Up board solutions for class 11 english poetry chapter 6 From Dover Beach

Up board solutions for class 11 english poetry chapter 6 From Dover Beach

From 'Dover Beach' poem  full solution

Explain the following stanzas with reference to the context:

(i) Ah,…………………………………………. for pain.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Dover Beach!’ composed by Matthew Arnold. The poet says that world is much worse than what it appears to be. It appears beautiful but the good things are not in it.

Explanation: Arnold says that we assume the world as beautiful and charming as the place which we see in dreams. The world is full of variety of different places and we find something new at every place. But the most important things like the real happiness is not present in the world. Men are ignorant and we do not get love from our fellow beings. There is no peace. Jealousy and hatred had become a part of human nature. Only we can help each other and maintain love and peace in the world. So, men should help and support one another.

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2- And we are…………………………………..by night.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Dover Beach’ composed by Matthew Arnold. The poet describes the condition of people that how they had become ignorant and are fighting with each other.

Explanation: Arnold says that man does not know what he is doing. He is busy in dangerous and silly work. The world is in darkness. We can see nothing clearly. Some are fighting. Some are running away. There are cries of fear and warning. Nothing is clear about these cries. We do not know what they are. But we are moved along by them. We are acting aimlessly. People do not know what they are fighting for. They meet in conflict without any knowledge about their opponents.

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2- Write the central idea of the poem From ‘Dover Beach’.

Ans: The central idea of the poem ‘Dover Beach’ is that sincerity for one another is the only hope for man in this world. In truth the world is without any joy. There is no peace. There is no certainty. Men dimly feel that they must act but they do not clearly know why they are struggling in the dark.


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