Up board solutions for class 11 english poetry chapter 4 To the Pupils

Explain the following stanzas with reference to the context:
(i) Expanding like the petals ……………………… their strength.
Reference to context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘To the Pupils’ composed by Henry L. Derozio. Here the teacher tells us how the power of mind of his pupils grows. Their mind opens and they are eager to test the strength of their mind.
UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 1 Mercy
Explanation: In the beginning, the pupils do not have much power of the mind. Their minds are closed. Then they open like the buds of flowers. The buds spread their petals. The pupils open their minds. Ignorance had closed their minds tightly. That ignorance was like magic. It grows weak. Their minds are free. The powers of their mind now try to do what they can. They are like young birds. These birds try to fly in the summer season. In the same way the pupils try to use their intelligence and imagination when they find them stronger.
(ii) Of circumstances ………..……… omnipotence!
Reference to context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘To the Pupils’ composed by Henry L. Derozio. Here the teacher tells us how pupils begin to worship truth which is all powerful. Fresh knowledge and experience have helped them to know truth.
UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Poetry Chapter 1 Mercy
Explanation: Changing conditions influence the pupils. Things, that they learn in the beginning, open up just as the first showers of rain in April refresh things on earth. They are gradually aware of many new things. This knowledge has its effect. All these things help them to understand the truth.
They find that the truth is all powerful. They worship the truth.
(iii) What joyance ………….…………… in vain.
Reference to context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘To the Pupils’ composed by Henry L. Derozio. In these lines the teacher think about the future when his pupils will be great men. They will achieve much success and honour. The teacher imagines it and feels happy as he has achieved something in his life.
Explanation: The poet thinks of the future. He sees that his pupils will become great and famous. They are not yet famous. But the future is preparing garlands of honour for them. This idea brings great happiness to the poet. He is also contented. His life had been successful. By giving proper finishing the teacher has moulded his pupils as nobles. And this achievement of his surpluses his contentment.
2- Write the central idea of the poem ‘To the Pupils’.
Ans: The central idea of the poem ‘To the Pupils’ is the joy felt by the teacher on watching the gradual development of his pupils. Their minds which are just opening will grow strong. They will gain knowledge of various kinds. They will know and worship truth. Ultimately they will achieve great success and honour. He will be happy to feel that his life is successful.