Up board solutions for class 11 English poetry chapter 7 Our Casuarina Tree
Our Casuarina Tree full solution
Explain the following stanzas with reference to the context:
(i) Like a ……………………………. men repose.
Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ composed by Toru Dutt. In this stanza the tree has been described in detail. The tree is strong, large and beautiful and has a feeling of mystery about it.
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Explanation: The casuarina tree in their garden is very tall and strong. It is one of the largest trees. It is reaching up to the stars. Its trunk is rough. A thick and strong creeper is tightly embracing the whole length of this tree, like a huge serpent twisting itself round it. There are deep marks on the trunk made by the twisting of the creeper. The creeper’s hold is so tight that it could have killed another tree. But this tree is brave and strong. It is not at all troubled by the embrace of the creeper. It is wearing the creeper like a scarf. There are deep red flower on the creeper. They are hanging in the bunches on all the branches of the tree. Birds and bees perch on the flowers all day. Sometimes they sing during the night. It appears that the sweet song will never end. They will go on singing in the dark while men are enjoying their sleep.
2- When …………………… snow enmassed.
Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ composed by Toru Dutt. In this stanza we have the scene of the tree in the morning. The tree and its surroundings make a beautiful sight.
Explanation: When it is dawn Toru Dutt opens her window. She sees the tree first of all. She is full ofjoy at the scene. In winter sometimes there is a very beautiful scene. On the top of the tree there is a grey baboon. He does not move at all because he is attentively looking at the rising sun. He looks like a statue. His small and weak young ones are playing. They are springing from one bough of the tree to another. The Kokilas are singing to welcome the day. Their song is filling the sky. Cows are walking lazily as if in sleep. They are going to graze in the pasture. The large shadow of the tree forms a kind of tent below it. It is very vast and beautiful. Water-lilies come out on it. They are in such a heap that it appears that snow has been gathered there.
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(iii) But not ………………………………. may reach.
Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ composed by Toru Dutt. The poetess here is suddenly full of old memories. She feels sad to think of bygone days. All those feelings are described in this stanza.
Explanation: The poetess loves the tree very deeply. But she does not love for its splendid appearance. She remembers other things. They make the tree dear to her. In the past, when she was a child she played under this tree with her friends. She remembers those friends. Time will pass. Things will change. She will always love this tree very deeply because she friends played there with her. Whenever she thinks of this tree she will see them before her under the tree. She will feel sad. She will weep. She will not be able to see because of her tears. As she talks of her sorrow she hears something. It is a low lamentation. The sound is like that sound which is produced when the waves of the sea strike at the shore which is full of pebbles. At first she does not know what it is. Then she knows it. The tree is grieving. What the tree says is not clear. It is full of mystery. It frightens. It is very likely that this lamentation of the tree will reach some strange country.
2- Write the central idea of the poem ‘Our Casuarina Tree’.
Ans: The central idea of the poem ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ by Toru Dutt centred round that tree in their garden. It calls up old memories and makes the poetess sad. A sadness rises from the tree too. The poetess first thinks of the beauty of the tree and its scene. Then she thinks of the good old days when she played under it with her friends. Her sadness is touching. She feels that the tree is lamenting. The lamentation will reach some other country too. Thus the poem has the joy and also the sorrow caused by old memories.
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