My Best Teacher Or An Ideal Teacher


The Teacher Who Has Impressed Me Most

Hints 1. Introduction, 2. Qualities as a man, 3. Qualities as a teacher, 4. An ideal teacher’s impression.

1-Introduction –

I have studied at the feet of many good teachers. I have liked and respected them. But the best teacher, I have yet come across is Mr. Nag. He is a teacher of English. I regard him. as an ideal teacher. He possesses the sterling qualities of head and heart. The effect of his personality on his students is such that they would treasure his memory all their lives. Every student feels instinctively that the teacher is a loved and respected member of his family. He feels drawn towards him.

2- Qualities as a man-

He believes in the principle of simple living and high thinking. He always looks at the bright side of things. He removes their difficulties. There is no room for despair in his life. He is content with what he has. Therefore, he always looks cheerful. He inspires his pupils with his ideal life.

3- Qualities as a teacher-

He not only knows his subject well but also he has learnt or acquired the knowledge of making his teaching and the subject of his teaching interesting. He makes the students really interested in the subject. His exposition of the subject, the development of his arguments, apt illustrations, thought provoking questions and crystal clear language not only make the students learn the subject well but also help them to develop the art of thinking for themselves. His teaching is a tonic to the mind. His love for his subject, is directly conveyed. The teacher’s passion for his subject is shared by his pupils. He activates the minds of his students.

4-An ideal teacher’s impression-Man-

making is the central function of an ideal teacher. He gives not only knowledge but also culture. He is an engineer to the soul. He enriches our minds and hearts with noble and loving thoughts. In fact, his teaching is through his personality. He is a real gardener of our life. We hope to bud and blossom because he has watered the seeds of our future with his love and care.


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