Essay on My Best Friend for class 10

Essay on My Best Friend for class 10

Hints: 1. Introduction, 2. Life and Parentage, 3. Studious, 4. Personal qualities, 5. Trustworthy, 6. Sharing of joys and sorrows, 7. Conclusion.

1- Introduction
It has been a common saying that ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’ I believe this is true. The test of true friends is their sincerity in good and bad days. In fact, the most proud possession of man is to have a friend, more so a good friend, a true friend. I am lucky to have a good friend.

2- Life and Parentage
I have many friends but I like Kishan the most of all. He comes of a rich and respectable family but he is never boastful of his high parentage. He is sixteen years of age. His parents love him dearly but they never pamper him, nor do they overlook his faults. He is a true picture of the culture of his family. I am proud of having a friend like him.

3- Studious

He studies in the same class with me. He is good at Mathematics while I am strong in English. We often help each other in these subjects. We go to school together and play together. Sanjay is a fine sportsman. He is a good cricketer and is good at jumps. Nobody is able to beat him in high and long jumps. He has won many medals. He is a credit to his school, but at the same time, he is very modest. All teachers love him and the Principal is proud of him.

4- Personal qualities-
Kishan is good conversation. He has a sense of wit and humour. He is cheerful and gay. So one relishes to move in his company. He is obedient and well-behaved. He never offends his teachers or his classmates. He is nice to all boys, specially his juniors. He is ever ready to help them. He never tries to dominate others. He never speaks ill of others. He is friendly towards all.

5– Trustworthy

I value him most for I can place full faith and confidence. He can be trusted to share my secrets. He gives me sincere advice, if ever I need that. He is my best friend.

6- Sharing of joys and sorrows-
I can share with him my joys and sorrows. I can count on him in my difficulties. He is honest and unselfish. In short, he is a sincere friend. He is ready to make any sacrifice for me.

7- Conclusion
He is really a good friend. His friendship has shown the truth of the statement. “Change your pleasure but do not change your friends.”


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