UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Prose Chapter 1 My Struggle for an Education Question and answer

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UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Prose Chapter 1 My Struggle for an Education full solution
Explanation — Explain with reference to the context the following:-
1- As they………………. meday and night.
Reference to context:- These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’ is a Negro educator and reformer. On hearing about the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia from the two miners, Booker decided to go to that school. In these lines he tells how the description of the school facinated him.
Explanation:- As the two miners described the school, it appeared to be the greatest and attractive place to the author. Even the school appeared to be more attractive place than the Heaven to him, at that time. He decided to go to the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia one day. Although he had no idea about its location but his ambition to reach Hampton made him work day and night. Comment:- The passage has an idiom ‘set on fire’. It means to make someone passionate to achieve something.
2- In the fall……………………………..……..it all.
Reference to context:- These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’ is a Negro educator and reformer. Booker decided to go to Hampton, in the fall of 1872 but his mother was very worried. He had very little money but his brother John helped him. Finally, he started his journey to Hampton after saying goodbye to his mother.
Explanation:- In the autumn season of 1872, Booker made an effort to go there but his mother was against his decision. She had a serious fear that he was searching for an unobtainable thing but halfheartedly she gave him permission to go and start his journey. He had little money but his brother John helped him.
Finally the day of his departure came. He had a small cheap satchal that has few things that he could get to carry with him. His mother was so sick that he hardly hoped to see her again. And this made their parting more sad. But Booker’s mother was a courageous lady so she did not came in the way of his son’s ambition and bid him farewell.
Comments:- The passage has an idiom ‘a wild-goose chase’. It means a foolish search for something non- existent and unobtainable.
3- I had never ……………. ………….. streets.
Reference to context:- These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’ is a Negro educator and reformer. Booker, reached a large city Richmond and was completely out of money. He neither have any relative and friend nor money so this made him more miserable.
Explanation:- The author reached a very large city Richmond. He was new to the city and did not know anyone so this made him more miserable. Moreover, he had no money left so he had no place for lodging. Therefore, he decided to walk on the streets.
4- I must have …………….. …………… feet over my head.
Reference to context:– These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’ is a Negro educator and reformer. Booker, walked on the streets after midnight. He was feeling tired, hungry and weak. Then, he saw a broad sidewalk which was sufficiently raised above the ground and the slept under it.
Explanation:- The author walked on the streets after midnight and was feeling tired, hungry and weak. Finally he saw a broad sidewalk which was raised above the ground. He waited for few minutes so that no passers by could see him crawling under the sidewalk. He laid there for the night and made his bag of clothes his pillow. He could not have a sound sleep because he can clearly hear the sound of footsteps of the passengers walking on the sidewalk, the whole night.
5- The next morning ……………………………….. ever eaten.
Reference to context:- These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’is a Negro educator and reformer. The author felt refreshed and hungry after waking up next morning. In order to get money for food he worked in a ship.
Explanation:- After waking up the author felt hungry. Therefore, he looked his surroundings for a job. He saw a large ship from which a cargo of pig iron was being unloaded. So, he asked the captain of the ship for a job. Finally, the captain allowed him to unload the vessel and get money for food. He worked there for a long time in order to earn money to have food.
6- When ……………………………………………………………….. new life.
Reference to context:- These lines are taken from the lesson ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’is a Negro educator and reformer. The author started his journey to Hampton, when he had saved enough money. The first sight of the school made him forget all the miseries and hardship he faced to reach there.
Explanation:- When the author had saved enough money to reach Hampton, he thanked the captain and bid farewell. He reached Hampton with an extra money of fifty cents from which he can begin his education. The first sight of the large, three-storey brick school building made him forget all the pain which he faced to reach there. The sight of the college give him a beginning of a new life as he reached his goal and he can make a better future by studying in that school.
7- As soon as …………………………………………. was in me.
Reference to context:- These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’ is a Negro educator and reformer. The author meet the head teacher for allotment to a class. But the teacher neither refused nor admitted him as a student.
Explanation:- As the author reached the grounds of the Hampton school, he immediately went to the head teacher for his allotment to a class. But he did not made a favourable impression upon the teacher because of his improper looks and clothing. The author could see the doubts in her mind about his admission as a student but she did not refused him. The author continued to stay near to her and impress her so that he could get admission. He saw the other students taking admission and this worried him. He felt that if he could get the admission or chance to prove his worth, he can surely do better than the other students.
8- I swept ……….. ……………………. institution.
Reference to context:- These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’ is a Negro educator and reformer. The author swept the recitation room and cleaned everything thoroughly. Finally the head teacher inspected the room and allotted him a class.
Explanation:- The author swept the recitation room three times and then dusted it four times. He cleaned all the woodwork around the walls, every bench, table and desk. He cleaned every corner and closet properly. After cleaning thoroughly, he reported to the head teacher. The head teacher was a Yankee woman who inspected the floor and closets. She inspected the woodwork around the wall and over the table and benches through her handkerchief. When she was unable to find a single bit of dirt she told him that he can enter the institution.
9- I was one of ………………………………………… oneI ever passed.
Reference to context:– These lines are taken from the essay ‘My Struggle for an Education’. The writer ‘Booker T. Washington’ is a Negro educator and reformer. After being passed in the test of cleaning the recitation room, the author was very happy. He felt that he was the happiest person on the earth.
Explanation:- The head teacher saw that Booker had cleaned the room thoroughly. She decided to admit him to the school. He was glad to hear it. He felt that he was one of the happiest man in the world. Cleaning that room was a very important test for him. It was like an examination in the college. He passed many more examinations after that. But no other examination gave him so much joy and excitement. So he regards it as the best of all the examinations of his life.
Comprehension :-
Read the following passages and answer the questions given below them:-
1– I must have ……………………………… over my head.
Questions with their answers:-
(i) What did the author search for till late in the night?
Ans:- The author was searching for some proper place to take rest at night.
(ii) What quality of character of the author stands out in the passage?
Ans:- The author is courageous and determined because despite of feeling hungry and tired he did not loose hope.
(iii) How do you know that the author could not sleep peacefully in the night?
Ans:- The author could not sleep peacefully in night because he could clearly hear the tramp of feet passing over his head as he was sleeping under sidewalk.
(iv) Why do you think the author tried not to be seen by anyone while going to sleep? Ans:- The author tried not to be seen by anyone while going to sleep because he was feeling ashamed and hesitated. He also thought that nobody will disturb him if he crept under sidewalk quietly.
2- The next ………… …………………… ever eaten.
Questions with their answers:-
(i) How did the author feel like when he got up next morning?
Ans:- The next morning the author felt refreshed but at the same time he was extremely hungry.
(ii) Why did the author go to the vessel?
Ans:- The author went to the vessel in order to get job for earn money for food.
(iii) What kind of man was the captain?
Ans:- The captain was a kind hearted man.
(iv) Why does the author call the breakfast as the best breakfast of his life?
Ans:- The author worked long and hard enough to earn money to have breakfast. Therefore, he called the breakfast as the best breakfast of his life as it was earned by hard labour.
3- When I had …………………. …………… new life.
Questions with their answers:-
(i) When did the author thank the captain?
Ans:- When the author had saved enough money to reach Hampton then he thanked the captain for offering him job.
(ii) What rewarded the author for all he had undergone?
Ans:- The first sight of the large, three-storey brick school building fascinated the author and he felt rewarded for all the suffering through which he had undergone to reach there.
(iii) What was the amount of money with which the author reached Hampton? Ans:- The author reached Hampton with an extra amount of fifty cents.
(iv) What gave a new life to the author?
Ans:- The first sight of the school building fascinated the author. It seemed to him as a reward of his hard labour and a beginning of a new life.
4- As soon as ……………………………………….. in me.
Questions with their answers:-
(i) What did the author do to present himself for assignment to a class?
Ans:- The author presented himself as soon as possible for assignment to a class.
(ii) Why did the author could not make a favourable impression upon the head teacher?
Ans:- The author could not make a favourable impression upon the head teacher because of his untidy looks.
(iii) Why did the author continue to linger about the head teacher?
Ans:- The author continued to linger about the head teacher because neither she enrolled him to a class nor she refused.
(iv) What added greatly to the discomfort of the author?
Ans:- The author saw that the head teacher was enrolling other students to the class, this added greatly to his discomfort.
5- I swept the recitation ……………………………….. this institution.
Questions with their answers:-
(i) Why do you think the author dusted the room after sweeping it?
Ans:- The author dusted the room four times after sweeping it because he did not want the head teacher to find a single bit of dirt anywhere inside the room. As his future depended upon the impression he made upon the teacher in cleaning the room.
(ii) What do you understand by the expression ‘woodwork around the walls’?
Ans:- Benches, tables, desks and almirah all the things made of wood refer to the woodwork.
(iii) How did the head teacher ensure the cleanliness of the room?
Ans:- The head teacher took her handkerchief and rubbed it on the woodwork about the walls and over the table and benches for ensuring the cleanliness of the room.
(iv) What qualities do you think were needed for admission to the institution?
Ans:- Sincerity, hard working and obedient were the qualities needed for the admission to the institution.
Short Answer Type Questions Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each:-
1- How and when did Booker T. Washington reach Richmond?
Ans:- Booker reached to Richmond by walking and begging or hitchhiking in wagons and in cars. He reached to Richmond after a number of days when he started his journey.
2- How did the author carry out the work assigned to him?
Ans:- The author carried out his work with proper dedication. He swept the recitation room three times and dusted it four times. He moved every piece of furniture to clean it and also cleaned every closet and corner.
3- Where was the school for the coloured people situated and what was its full name?
Ans:- The school for the coloured people was situated somewhere in Virginia. Its full name was Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute.
4- What inspired Washington to go to Hampton Institute?
Ans:- The talk between the two miners inspired Washington to go to the Hampton Institute. As they kept on describing the school it appeared to Washington as the best place on earth.
5- What exactly was his college examination and why?
Ans:- His college examination was cleaning the recitation room properly. The head teacher neither allotted him to a class nor did she refused him. Later, she asked him to sweep the recitation room, cleaning the room was his examination.
6- ‘Never did I received an order with more delight’. Which order Booker T. Washington is referring to?
Ans:- The head teacher asked Booker to sweep the room and as it was his only chance to get the admission in the college so he received the order delightfully.
7- What did Booker T. Washington do to save money?
Ans:- Booker continued to sleep under the sidewalk to save money because after buying the food he could not save much for his journey to Hampton.
8- What message do you get from the lesson ‘My Struggle for an Education’? Ans:- The message that we get from the lesson is that we should always be focused towards our aim. We should be firm and determined, no matter what the situation is. We should always remember”, Hard work leads to success”.
9- How did the teacher test the suitability of Booker to admit him as a student?
Ans:- The teacher asked Booker to clean the room. When he had cleaned the room, she inspected the
cleanliness of the room with her handkerchief and when she found not a single bit of dust, she admitted him as a student.
10– How can you say that the author of the lesson ‘My Struggle for an Education’ is a man of perseverance?
Ans:- The author is a man of perseverance because he continued to work hard as a labour to reach his destination and then he lingered about the head teacher for admission. He did not loose hope at any point of his journey. He swept the room delightfully as it gave a chance to him to show what was in him.
Long Answer Type Questions Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words each:-
1- What impression does the essay ‘My struggle for an Education’ leave upon you?
Ans:- Introduction:- Washington’s essay ‘My Struggle for an Education” is full of valuable messages for us. It is a source of inspiration. Ambition for education:- The first thing that we learn is that we should have ambition to obtain knowledge. We should make every possible effort to achieve it like that of the writer. We should not be discouraged by our poverty. Determination:- We should realise the importance of determination. We should never lose courage. Washington was not discouraged even when he was tired and hungry.
He had no money, his mother was broken in health and the head teacher did not admit him. He faced every difficulty with determination and succeeded. He kept patience and worked with all his strength to achieve his ambition. No work is mean:- The most important message we get is that every work is noble. We should do everything whole-heartedly.
When Washington had no money in Richmond he worked as a labourer on a ship. His work was satisfactory and the captain allowed him to work everyday. At Institute, he swept and cleaned the room gladly. He did it so thoroughly that the head teacher agreed to admit him. Thus, it shows ‘hard work is the key to success”. We should always focus on our goal no matter what the situation is.
2- Describe how Booker T. Washington struggled with various difficulties to reach Hampton?
Ans:- Introduction:- Booker T. Washington was determined to get education at Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute in Virginia. He had to struggle with many difficulties to reach Hampton. Financial difficulties:- He had very little money. With this small amount it was very difficult to buy clothes and to pay travelling expenses. His brother John helped him. But that was not enough. Hence he put the few articles of clothing which he could get in a small cheap satchel.
Psycho-pressure due to illness of his mother:– His mother was very ill when he left for Hampton. He hardly expected to see her again. So their parting was very sad.
Difficulties in journey:– Hampton was about five hundred miles away from Malden. By walking, begging rides both wagons and in the cars, he reached the city of Richmond after a number of days. He reached there in the night. He had not a single acquaintance in Richmond. He was tired and hungry. He passed the night under the sidewalk. Next morning, he was extremely hungry. He saw a ship. He worked there to unload a cargo of pig iron to get money for food. He continued working there at a very nominal wages. After buying food there was not much left to pay his way to Hampton. He continued to sleep under the sidewalk.
Conclusion:- Hampton was still eighty-two miles away from Richmond. Therefore he continued hard working for money. When he had saved enough money, he started for Hampton. In this way facing the difficulties he could reach his destination.
3- Narrate in your own words how Booker T. Washington secured admission to the Hampton Institute?
Ans:- Hampton Institute:– Booker T. Washington had to struggle hard for getting education in his boyhood days. One day he heard about the Hampton Institute. It attracted him most. So he had a strong desire to go there. He started for Hampton. He faced great difficulties during his journey. At last he reached Hampton.
The author before the head teacher:– He was very happy to see the Institute building. After reaching the grounds of the Hampton Institute, he presented himself before the head teacher for admission. As he had made a long journey to Hampton he was tired, hungry and dirty. So, he could not make a favourable impression upon her. He kept lingering about her. After some hours she asked him to sweep the recitation room.
His sincere work for admission:- He thought it was the best chance for him to show his worthiness. He knew that his admission depended on it. So, he carried out her orders gladly. He swept the room three times and dusted it four times. He thoroughly cleaned the furniture and every closet and corner. Then he reported to the head teacher. She inspected the floor and the closets. She took her handkerchief and rubbed it on the woodwork against the walls and over the table and benches. She did not find dirt or a particle of dust anywhere. She was satisfied and told him that she would admit him. Thus it was through the sweeping of that room sincerely that he got admitted to the Hampton Institute. It clearly shows that we should be focused toward our aim. Therefore, it is rightly said that, “Where there is a will there is a way”.
Multiple Choice Questions Choose the most suitable option:-
1- I was one of the …………………………. souls on earth.
(a) saddest (b)biggest (c) highest (d) happiest
Ans:– (d) happiest
2- I was on fire constantly with one ………. and that was to go to Hampton.
(a) wish (b) desire (c) ambition (d) motive
Ans:– (c) ambition
3- Iwas filled with …….. …………… at the thought of it.
(a) excitement (b) incitement (c) appointment (d) scent
Ans:– (a) excitement
4- Take the broom and ……….. it.
(a) sweep (b) brush (c) scrub (d) clean
Ans:– (a) sweep
6- I reached Hampton, with a surplus of exactly………… cents with which to begin my education.
(a) forty (b) fifty (c) twenty (d) sixty
Ans:– (b) fifty
5- I found myself somewhat ………………….. but I was extremely hungry.
(a) tired (b) refreshed (c) sleepy (d) pleased
Ans:– (b) refreshed
7- The.. ………….. recitation room needs sweeping.
(a) good looking (b) attractive (c) dirty (d) adjoining
Ans:– (d) adjoining
8- The ……………. of that room was my college examination.
(a) cleaning (b) dusting (c) sweeping (d) rubbing
Ans:– (c) sweeping
9- i ……… expected to see her again, and thus our parting was all the more sad.
(a) never (b) hardly (c) scarcely (d) seldom
Ans:– (b) hardly
10- My work pleased the captain so well that he told me I could ………………… Working for the small amount per day.
(a) continue (b) stop (c) deny (d) like
Ans:–(a) continue
11- Finally the …………. day came, and I started for Hampton.
(a) mentioned (b) great (c) final (d) stated
Ans:–(b) great
12- The mother at that time was rather weak and broken in …………
(a) spirit (b) heart (c) health (d) mind
Ans:–(c) health
13- The ……………….. from Malden to Hampton is about five hundred miles.
(a) area (b) distance (c) unity (d) difference
Ans:–(b) distance
14- The author had not a single……………….. in the city of Richmond.
(a) friend (b) acquaintance (c) guardian (d) enemy
Ans:–(b) acquaintance
15- I continued working on this vessel …………..
(a) for many days (b) for a number of days (c) for much time (d) for a long time
Ans:–(b) for a number of days
16- It occurred to me at once that ………………. was my chance.
(a) never (b) ever (c) here (d) it
Ans:–(c) here
17- I have the feeling that in a large measure my future depended upon the impression I made upon the teacher in the ………………. of the room.
(a) washing (b) cleaning (c) dusting (d) sweeping
Ans:–(b) cleaning
18- The school or college was more …………….. than the little coloured school in the town.
(a) precious (b) pretentious (c) pernicious (d) pious
Ans:–(b) pretentious
19- I continued to ……. …………… about her and to impress her in all the ways I could with my worthiness.
(a) linger (b) cling (c) dodge (d) shout
Ans:–(a) linger
20- In the fall of 1872, I………………………. to make an effort to get there.
(a) planned (b) determined (c) decided (d)made up my mind
Ans:–(b) determined
21- I must have walked the streets till after…… …………….
(a)midday (b) midnight (c) late evening (d) early morning
Ans:– (b) midnight
22- The next morning I found myself somewhat refreshed, but I was extremely ……………
(a) hungry (b) excited (c) thirsty (d) emotional
Ans:–(a) hungry
23- When I was through, I ………………… to the head teacher.
(a) reported (b) went (c) said (d) came
Ans:–(a) reported