Up board solution for class 12 english poetry chapter 2

Up board solution for class 12 english poetry chapter 2

Up board solution for class 12 english poetry chapter 2

1-he that loves a rosy cheek

Or a coral lip admires,

Or from star- like eyes doth seek

Fuel to maintain his fires;

As old time makes these decay, So his flames must waste away.(2011,17,19)

Reference to the context:- These lines have been taken from the poem The true beauty composed by Thomas Carew.

The poet tells us that love based on physical beauty is not permanent; it comes to an end when beauty dies.

Explanation:- The poet makes us aware that physical beauty is not permanent.A woman may have physical charms.her cheeks may be Rosy, her lips may have the faint red colour like that of a coral and her eyes may be as bright and beautiful as stars. these things will induce a person to love her but his love will soon rot when her beauty is gone in old age.

2- But a smooth and steadfast mind, Gentle thoughts, and calm desires,

Hearts with equal love combined, Kindle never-dying fires:

Where these are not, I despise Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the poem The true beauty composed by Thomas Karew. the poet says that beauty of mind and heart is higher than physical beauty and is everlasting beauty without these qualities is worthless.

Explanation: The poet finally tells that beauty of mind and heart is greater and lasting than physical beauty. The poet has already told us about a woman with physical charms .now he tells us about a woman who has better qualities. And noble woman mind is healty and stable. She never things of fierce things. her desire are free from all harms they are simple and pure. she loves equally to all human beings. the love that a man feels for her will be true and permanent a woman who does not have these words is hateful even if she is beautiful.

  1. Give the central idea of the poem ‘the true beauty”?

Ans. The true beauty(Thomas carew)

The beautiful lips cheeks and ice make a woman more beautiful but these things are transitory. They decay with the passage of time. on the country, love based on good qualities of character and mutual affection is permanent beauty of character is true beauty.


Write the central idea of the poem “The True Beauty”,

Ans. In the poem The True Beauty’ the poet Thomas Carew says that the beautiful lips, cheeks, and eyes make a women more beautiful. But these things are mortal. They decay with the passage of time. On the contrary, love based on good qualities of character and mutual affection is permanent. Beauty of character is true beauty.


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