Up Board Class 10 English Grammar Primary Auxiliaries solution

Up Board Class 10 English Grammar Primary Auxiliaries solution


Fill in the blanks with suitable Primary Auxiliary Verbs given in brackets :

1—The wind is blowing hard ………………………………… (has, have, is)

2. She is not attending the computer class. ……………………………….. (does, is, did)

3. We do not go to school on Sunday. ……………………………….. (are, have, do)

4. I did not show that letter to anyone. ……………………………….. (have, am, did)

5. I am working hard these days. ……………………………….. (is, am, are)

6. Aman was selling beautiful balloons. ……………………………….. (was, were, has)

7. The birds were sitting on the tree. ……………………………….. (have, was, were)

8. Suresh has paid his loan. ……………………………….. (do, is, has)

9. They have gone to market. ……………………………….. (has, is, have)

10. Does he know your address? ……………………………….. (is, do, does)

EXERCISE-2 Fill in the blanks with suitable Auxiliary Verbs:

1—Mohan was sleeping in his room. ………………………………. (has, was, does)

2. He does not tell a lie. ………………………………. (has, is, does)

3. He has been a good player of hockey……………………………….. (has, have, do)

4. A dog does not eat grass. ………………………………. (has, was, does)

5. They have lived in my house for five years. ………………………………. (are, have, did)

6. You do not look well……………………………….. (does, are, do)

EXERCISE-3 Fill in the blanks with suitable Primary Auxiliary Verbs given in brackets:

1—He is not writing a letter. ………………………………. (is, does, has)

2. He does not go for shopping daily. ………………………………. (is, does, has)

3. The labourers were returning home……………………………….. (were, did, had)

4. Books are sold here. ………………………………. (do, does, are)

5. He is helped by Aman. ………………………………. (is, does, has)

6. My father is not cooking food. ………………………………. (is, does, has)

7. Do they play hockey daily? ………………………………. (are, do, have)

8. Physics is taught in my school. ………………………………. (is, are, do)

9. Where did Anil stay last night? ………………………………. (do, does, did)

10. He does not agree with you……………………………….. (is, does, has)

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