UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Prose Chapter 6 A Dialogue on Civilization all question and answer free pdf
Explanation Type question
Explain with reference to the context the following:
1- But all sorts of … ……….………..they civilized?
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. The author wants to expound civilization by the medium of dialogues with Lucy. Lucy is an imaginary girl. She presents the reason that if to produce beautiful things like plays, pictures and music is accounted as civilization, being the producer of such things men like Shakespeare, Raphael etc. will also be called civilized.
Explanation: Lucy says that the pictures of Caliphs and Princes as presented in the Arabian Nights were also civilized because they possessed splendid things like grand palaces, satins, beautiful clothes and many things to eat and drink. Many slaves waited on them. In this way they led a very luxurious life. It seems to me that they deserve to be called civilized.
2- Why, this: that……………………toffees and catapults.
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. The author is telling how the big and expensive things in Arabian Nights took to him.
Explanation: The author says why the things that we read about in the Arabian Night like the magnificent palaces, beautiful clothes, many slaves and other type of things seems to him like the substitutes for treacle toffees and catapults for grown-ups.
3- Thatis what…………………………civilized. Do you?
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. The author explains the meaning of civilization through a dialogue between himself and a little imaginary girl Lucy.
Explanation: The author tells us about the eating habits of Romans. Ramans ate lot of food. They spent their lots of time in eating food. When they felt unable to eat more food they took some medicines for loose motion so that they could make their stomach empty and they might start eating again. The author compares the, eating habits of Romans to the pigs. They did not care for what would happen at last.
4- Falling apples and…………………………….. of being civilized.
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. The author remarks that although shops, machines and cars were not at all beautiful but to some extent they were the symbols of civilization. All such type of things had come into knowledge by inventions as James Watt and Newton had done.
Explanation: The author has reasons that new thoughts cause to inventions just like the different thinking of Newton and James Watt did. They watched the apple falling and the kettle-water boiling and thought something new. Before then so many people had seen these events but none of them thought as those two inventors thought. They thought in a fully new way. As the result of such thoughts the theories of the law of gravitation and steam engine came into man’s knowledge. The author is expressing his unwillingness to the knowledge of such things. But he is sure that thinking new thoughts leads us towards civilization. New thoughts may not be inventions but such thinking has to do something with the civilization.
5- Most people who …………….………… told to think.
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. The author expresses the view that role of free thinking is very important for the development of civilization. In the absence of free thinking there can be no civilization.
Explanation: In the opinion of author the priests and saints often misguided the people by saying that the gods will be angry and will punish the free thinkers. The priests had told that it was wicked to think differently from other people. In this way free thinking was discouraged in the society. Nobody generally liked a man who tried to think differently from others. The people believed the priests and were afraid of the gods and so they thought only what they were told to think. In this way free thinking was looked upon as wicked and discouraged.
6- Look, how beastly ……………………… can be no civilization.
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. Inventing new things as Newton and James Watt did, is also being civilized. Invention of new things requires free thinking. But according to author thinking must be free. WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
Explanation: Prof. Joad says that in school, students behave beastly to new girls who are a bit different from others, in some way the grown-up people dislike those who try to think differently. Free thinking is extremely necessary. Free thinking means thinking should be totally different. If we stick this tradition, we cannot think freely. People are opposed to free thinking. They like conventional thinking. There is always a great resistance to new thoughts. So it is not very easy to think freely. But free thinking is too much important. It is necessary for civilization. Without it civilization cannot progress and develop.
7-So, you see …………………………….. things as we
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. In this lesson there is a series of some questions and their answers. The author of the lesson explains all the questions put by little imaginary girl Lucy. These all questions are related with civilization.
Explanation: The author of the lesson C.E.M. Joad draws the attention of Lucy towards the subject of being good. The author’s opinion is this that there should be too much close relation between being good and civilization. The meaning of being good’ is to well behave towards your neighbour. It also implies respecting of the neighbour and obeying all the rules and laws and many other things come under the meaning of being good. In this way we can say that respecting others and obeying the laws of society are the best qualities of civilized people. WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
8-So should I, ………………………………. to go on with.
Reference to the context: This passage has been taken from the lesson ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’ written by C.E.M. Joad. Obeying the laws of the country and rules to the society is the first duty of civilized person. It makes people good. The meaning of ‘being good’ is respect the rights of their neighbours and other persons of the society.
Explanation: The author of the lesson Prof. Joad comes to the conclusion that civilized people should try to make useful and beautiful things. His utmost duty is to think freely about new things and should try to obey the rules of the society and laws of the country. The meaning of making beautiful things is an art. Free thinking about new things gives birth to science and philosophy. The meaning of obeying the rules is political justice and morality. But author’s claim is, it is not sure that all these things make us civilized, but he is ready to accept this firmly that these things are fundamental base for progress and civilization. Without them we cannot march forward in the direction of progress and civilization.
Read the following passages and answer the questions given below them:
1- Well, then, let ………………………. weren’t civilized.
Questions with their answers:
(i) What is the character of thing, obtained by money and power, according to the author?
Ans: Things obtained by money and power do not make us civilized.
(ii) Can we became civilized by using money and power? If not, why?
Ans: We cannot become civilized by using money and power because civilization is a different thing.
(iii) How do you know that civilization has been eluding us for long? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: Civilization has been eluding us for long for the following reasons:
(a) We did not get proper education.
(b) We did not invent useful things.
(c) We did not understand the value of beautiful things, behaviour and thinking.
(iv) Why do you think leading a rich life and living will not make us civilized? Ans: Leading a rich life and living will not make us civilized because civilization is not just being splendid and grand and living in luxury.
2- Well, lots of people ……………………. of being civilized.
Questions with their answers: WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
(i) How did Newton and Watt differ from others?
Ans: Newton discovered the theories of law of gravitation and Watt invented the steam engine.
(ii) How do you think they made people wiser?
Ans: They thought in a new way and the new thoughts leads other people towards civilization. In this way, people became wiser, with new thoughts and theories.
(iii) What is the underlying element that helped them to do their job?
Ans: The underlying element that helped them to do their job was developing new thoughts and ideas.
(iv) Who will you call a civilized being?
Ans: The people who develop new thoughts, ideas and implement them are called a civilized being.
3- Most people who ……… ……………… can be no civilization.
Questions with their answers: WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
(i) What is the first hurdle to thinking differently and freely?
Ans: The first hurdle to thinking differently is that the people are told that it is wicked to think differently and God will punish them.
(ii) How do priest scare people who try to think differently?
Ans: The priest scare the people who try to think differently by saying that God will punish them.
(iii) How do classmates behave with the new entrant to the class?
Ans: The classmates treat the new entrant beastly at school because they are a bit different from them.
(iv) Why do you think we can’t have civilization without free thinking?
Ans: We can’t have civilization without free thinking because to think freely we need to think differently.
4 There are lot ……………………….. to civilization.
Questions with their answers:
(i) Why is leisure important to a person?
Ans: Leisure is important to a person because he needs time to think freely apart his basic needs.
(ii) What harm is there if a man spends all his time in earning his living?
Ans: A person will never get time to think about new thoughts and ideas. He will never be able to think freely if he spends all his time in earning his living. WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
(iii) What things are necessary, before a person gets a chance for thinking?
Ans: Security, leisure and society with whom a person can talk are the things necessary before a person gets a chance for thinking.
(iv) Besides getting food to eat and clothes to wear, what other things are needed for growth of civilization?
Ans: Security, leisure and society are needed for the growth of civilization beside getting food to eat and clothes to wear.
5- So should ……………….. they will do to go with.
Questions with their answers:
(i) What makes one civilized? WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
Ans: Making beautiful things, thinking freely and thinking new things and following the rules make one civilized.
(ii) What is the importance of keeping rules of the life?
Ans: People could not get on together if there are no rules of the life.
(iii) Where do science and philosophy come from?
Ans: Science and philosophy come from grown-ups.
(iv) What can keep people together?
Ans: Obeying the rules mention for the society can keep the people together.
Short Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each:
1- Why should one treat Shakespeare, Raphael, Beethoven etc. as civilized person?
Ans: We should treat Shakespeare, Raphael, Beethoven etc. as civilized person because they have produced best plays, beautiful paintings and melodious music. They give us joy.. WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
2- Why does Joad think that Caliphs and Princes in the Arabian Nights were not civilized?
Ans: According to Prof. Joad Caliphs and Princes in the ‘Arabian Nights’ were not civilized. The reason is that the splendid and costly things possessed and enjoyed by them were not things of permanent beauty.
3- What according to Joad, are beautiful things?
Ans: According to Prof. Joad only those things are beautiful which are liked and loved by all.
4- What are the essential elements of civilization?
Ans: The essential elements of civilization are thinking freely, leisure, security and obeying laws and society.
5- How does Joad describe the life style of Caliphs and Princes in the Arabian Nights? Were they civilized or not?
Ans: The ‘Arabian Nights’ is a popular story-book of Arabia. The Princes and Caliphs of the book ‘Arabian Nights’ were not civilized because they only enjoyed their lives but they did nothing marvellous thing for the humanity.
6- Why do people hesitate to think and act differently from others?
Ans: People hesitate to think and act differently from others because they are afraid of priests and gods and do not like to be criticized for thinking and act differently from others. WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
7- What are the three things necessary for free thinking as described in ‘A Dialogue on Civilization’?
Ans: The three necessary conditions for free thinking are as follows:
(i) Security is very compulsory. It is the foremost condition for free thinking. People cannot think freely if fear will be there. Fear makes a man cowardice.
(ii) The people should have leisure to think freely. If they are busy to earn their living, they cannot get time to think about new thoughts.
(iii) There should be a social circle of people to speak of their new thoughts.
8- What according to C.E.M. Joad is the proper definition of being civilized?
Ans: According to C.E.M. Joad, true civilization cannot prosper without free thinking, security, leisure, obeying laws and society.
Long Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words each:
1- What are the important elements of civilizations?
Ans: According to C.E.M. Joad the essentials of civilization are as follows:
Being civilized is to be something or to do something of which a man can have pride. In this context Shakespeare, Ranphael and Beethoven were civilized men. These great men did much beautiful work of which they could be rightly proud of. Shakespeare wrote beautiful plays, Raphael made beautiful pictures and Beethoven composed beautiful music. To make beautiful things and to like them is indeed, being civilized. Beautiful things never bore us rather they are liked in all ages. The second thing which counts as being civilized is thinking new thoughts. Without it no change occurs and civilization does not happen. For thinking new thoughts it is necessary that people must also think freely. And for think freely three things are necessary. Firstly, a man must have security. If he is afraid of being robbed and murdered at any moment, he cannot think about new and unusual things. Secondly, he must have leisure to think. It means he must have some free time after earning his living. And, Thirdly, he must have society, that is, other people to talk to. These three things are necessary for free thinking and also for civilization. Beside making beautiful things and thinking new thought, being good and following the rules are also necessary for civilization, without it people cannot get together and there can be no civilization. Civilization is not just being splendid and grand and living in luxury. It consists in making beautiful things, thinking new things freely and being good.
2- What, according to C.E.M. Joad, are the requirements of a true civilization?
Ans: Wrong idea: First, the writer Joad explains how some people have a wrong idea of civilization. They think that living luxurious life is being civilized. It is not so. Having too much of what a person likes does not make him better. So using money and power just to get what a person wants and does what he likes, is not being civilized. The Caliphs and Princes in the Arabian Nights owned grand places and gorgeous things. But they were not civilized. Thus, civilization is not just being splendid and grand and living in luxury.
Beautiful things: There are some other things which make a man civilized. If a person does something which he can be proud of, he is civilized. Producing beautiful things such as plays, pictures and music is being civilized. We don’t get tired of beautiful things. They last long. They are liked in all ages. Free thinking: To be civilized one must think new things and think freely. Without free thinking there can be no civilization. For free thinking we must have security, leisure and society. Moreover we should obey the laws. WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
To obey the laws: To be civilized it is very essential to obey the laws. By obeying laws, we shall not quarrel with anybody. So we can live peacefully and with great pleasure. Conclusion: Thus ‘being civilized’ means making beautiful things, thinking freely and thinking new things, keeping the rules, being good and obeying the laws. These are some of the things that count as ‘being civilized’.
3- What are the necessary conditions for someone to be able to think freely? What are the three things necessary to free thinking?
Ans: Introduction: A Dialogue on Civilization, is a moral essay written in the form of dialogue by C.E.M. Joad. In it, he has described the important points which make us civilized. Free thinking: According to Joad, if a person spends all his time in earning his daily bread, he would not have time for free thinking without leisure free thinking is not possible. For free thinking, security is also very essential, because without security nobody can think about new inventions freely. For free thinking the author points out the following three points: To create beautiful things: Producing beautiful things such as plays, pictures and music is being civilized. Thus, creating beautiful things is an essential part to think freely. Security: For thinking freely, security is very essential, because people cannot think freely if they live in fear. To obey the laws: For thinking freely, it is necessary to obey the laws. If we obey laws, we shall not quarrel with anybody. Thus we can think freely. Conclusion: These are some important things which make us think freely.
Multiple Choice Questions Choose the most suitable options:
1- Shakespeare often introduces … ….. elements in his plays.
(a) beautiful (b) absurd (c) trivial (d) supernatural
Ans:- (d) supernatural
2- Well, lots of people had seen kettles …………………… and apples fall down before Watt and Newton, yet they did not invent anything.
(a) burst (b) boil (c) twinkle (d) break
Ans:- (b) boil
3- Security, leisure and good society are the three things necessary to ..
(a) free thinking (b) civilization (c) get happiness (d) be wealthy
Ans:- (b) civilization
4- ………………… call the first of these things art, the second science and philosophy and the third political justice and ethics.
(a) Grown-ups (b) Old one (c)Adults (d) Youngster
Ans:- (a) Grown-ups
5- Without free thinking there can be no …
(a)rest (b) civilization (c) prosperity (d) adversity
Ans:- (b) civilization
6- It is not necessary for everyone to invent new things in order to be called …..
(a) inventor (b) discoverer (c) civilized (d) cultured
Ans:- (c) civilized
7- If Shakespeare’s ……… ……………… are a sign of civilization, so are Raphael’s pictures and Beethoven’s music. .
.(a) plays (b) poems (c) novels (d) music
Ans:- .(a) plays
8- John likes catapults ………… …………….. than anything else.
(a) much (b) enough (c) little (d) more
Ans:- (d) more
9- There must also be beautiful things like the plays and pictures we were talking………..
(a) for (b) about (c) of (d) with
Ans:- (b) about
10- Because Shakespeare was a great man and wrote plays that people are ………………
(a) familiar with (b) proud of (c) interested in (d) boast of
Ans:- (b) proud of
11- Falling apples and boiling kettles caused them to think new ……………… and because they thought new thoughts, men came to understand more about the world.
(a) ideas (b) thoughts (c) innovations (d) plans
Ans:- (b) thoughts
12- Nobody can ….. ……… things if he is afraid of being robbed or murdered at any moment.
(a) round about (b) run about (c) bring about (d) think about
Ans:- (d) think about
13- Raphael is known for his …………
(a)music (b) inventions (c) pictures (d) plays
Ans:- (c) pictures
14- Romans cannot be called civilized because they used to ……….
(a) eat nothing (b) eat enormous meals (c) eat very little (d) eat only in day time
Ans:- (b) eat enormous meals
15- So, you see, this business of being good has something to do with ………….
(a) heredity (b) society (c) civilization (d) creed
Ans:- (c) civilization
Language Skills type question
1- Write the synonyms of the following words:
I dare say——admit
fuss about———be concerned about
2-Write the antonyms of the following words:
enormous ——- tiny
3- Fill in the blanks in the following sentences, choosing the correct word from the list given below:
sign; enormous; splendid; credit; make a great fuss
(i) After all, being civilized ought to be some credit to you.
(ii) Anyway, grown-up people make a great fuss about the plays of Shakespeare.
(iii) If Shakespeare’s plays are a sign of civilization, so are Raphael’s pictures and Beethoven music.
(iv) The Romans used to eat enormous meals, and when they couldn’t eat any more, they took some things to make them sick.
(v) Civilization is not just being splendid and grand and living in luxury.
4- Use these phrases/expressions in your own sentences:
sort of—Suman don’t worry too much about that sort of thing.
I dare say—Still, I dare say you’ll be able to entertain the teachers nicely.
civilization — He went to study the civilization of Arab world.
get into–I was able to get into the program even though it was full because of some cancellations.
getting warmer — The argument between them got warmer and took a form of fight.
fuss about —- Sonia is fussy about her home, everything has to be in its exact place.
grown-up— – When I last saw them, they were kids and now they are grown-ups.
catapults—-The Romans used machinery to catapult rocks over the enemy wall in order to capture the city.