Up board solutions for class 11 English prose chapter 3 the ant and the grasshopper all question and answer

Explanation type Question —
Explain with reference to the context the following:
1- Among those I ………………………………………. punished
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. The author tells, they were taught the stories which have some moral in them.
Explanation: In these lines, the author tells us that among the stories told to him, ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ was a story which taught him that hard-work or labour is rewarded and dizziness is punished.
2- I do not ascribe ………………….. and common sense.
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. When the narrator was a little child he had learnt by heart the fable ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’. This story had a strange effect on him. Here, he tells us how he tried to show what he felt.
Explanation: The teaching of the story was the people who work hard to get happiness in life and those who are very fond of pleasure suffer hardships. But the narrator could never agree to it. He says that it was not so because he was obstinate and liked bad things. The narrator says that in his childhood he was not in favour of moral thought. He did not agree with the view that hard work should be rewarded and idleness must be punished. The story of “The Ant the Grasshopper” did not appeal to him. He is saying that in these lines, he express his disapproval by his common sense and cautiousness.
3- I could not …………………………………. Out my hand.
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. The narrator was not in favour of moral thought taught to him in the childhood on the basis of the fable of ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’. In the opinion of narrator it is not compulsory that a hardworking person should be rewarded and an idle man must suffer.
Explanation: The narrator thought about George Ramsay in the context of the famous fable “The Ant and the Grasshopper’. George Ramsay was his close friend. One day the narrator saw him sitting in a restaurant. He was taking his lunch there. He was alone there. There was nobody with him in the restaurant at that time. He appeared to be upset. His mood was not good at that time. He was just like an embodiment of gloom and disappointment. In his full life the author had never seen any person more dejected and full of sadness than him. The author was sad for him but he had a doubt that his unfortunate brother will be the cause problem for him again. He went to help him and held out his hand.
4- I suppose every …………. ………………….. no expostulations.
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. The author says that he thinks there is a disgraceful person in every family. Tom was a disgraceful person in the respectable Ramsay’s family.
Explanation: The authot is telling that he personally thinks that there is a disgraceful person like Tom in every family. Tom was creating problems for George since twenty years. Tom stated his life ideally. He started business, married and had two children. The Ramsay’s family were considered as a family of respectable people and therefore there were many reasons to expect that Tom will have a good and honourable career. But suddenly one day, Tom said that he did not want to work anymore and is totally unfitted for family life. He said that he wanted to enjoy himself and was listening to no once complain.
5- But one day ………………………………….. money was spent.
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. Tom was a problem for his elder brother George. There were so many troubles due to Tom. Although initially he began his life in a proper way. He went into business, married and had two children.
Explanation: Tom declared clearly that he would not work now and would not care for his wife and two children too. He was not in favour to any complaints, when he left his home, he had some money. He spent two years happily in different capitals of Europe. He spent all his money. Different types of rumours about him reached to his relatives. So he passed his whole time in eat-drink and be marry and enjoyment. In this way in a short period he spent all that he had.
6- He was charming………………… luxuries.
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. Tom Ramsay’s personality was charming. He who came in his contact was attracted towards him, but he hated to work too much. One day he left his all routine work and his family. Now his aim was only to enjoy life fully.
Explanation: Tom’s personality was too much charming. When his all money was spend in eating, drinking and merry making he started borrowing money from his friends and relatives. He never cared for right and wrong. His method of borrowing money was admirable. It was quite impossible to say no to his request of borrowing money. He regularly borrowed money from his friends. The habit of borrowing money was his only income. He wasted all the borrowed money. In this way money went out ofhis hands like water.
7–He was a most …………………………….. in his debt.
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. The author is describing the attractiveness in Tom’s personality.
Explanation: The author is telling that Tom was the most entertaining person. If anyone did not know about his worthlessness then they would love his company. He was a joyful, cheerful and mesmerising person. The author never refused to give him money, which he needed to fulfill his daily needs whenever the author lent him fifty pounds he thinks that he is under his debt and has to pay Tom’s money.
8- “You’re not going ………………… to place me.”
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. George was upset when he came to know that his brother Tom’s deed of marrying to an aged woman, he blazed into anger and talked with the author.
Explanation: George Ramsay was a hard-working, modest and honourable person and he stuck to his ideas whole life. The author was well acquainted with the nature of George Ramsay. The author says that he led such type of life as God wished and he has never adjusted with his high ideals and way of living. He was fully satisfied with his posts and positions and is fully secured. He had always fulfilled his duties, no matter whatever were the situations.
9- I could not help ……… ……………. a sovereign.
Reference to context: These lines are taken from the short story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by William Somerset Maugham. Here, the author wants to explain why George was so upset and troubled. Tom blackmailed his elder brother George many times. Then he married to an old lady of the age of his mother for the sake of her wealth. Soon, the old woman died and Tom became rich.
Explanation: When George told the narrator about this incident he burst into laughter. At this George was surprised. He did not expect that the author should take this incident so lightly. But the narrator thought that George would never forgive him for this behaviour. George was motionless. The narrator had no complaint against Tom, because he enjoyed rich dinners with Tom many times. The narrator further says that for him, Tom was a good man. He, sometimes, borrowed money from him. But he never gave Tom more than a sovereign i.e. a coin.
Read the following passages and answer the questions given below them:
1- Among those I ……………………………………… go and dance.
Questions with their answer:
(i) What makes the grasshopper sing in summer?
Ans: The grasshopper sings in summer because it is enjoying its leisure.
(ii) Why did the ant work hard in summer?
Ans: The ant worked hard in summer as it is conscious of the hard time of winter.
(iii) What message do you get from the passage?
Ans: We get the message that we should not waste our time in enjoyment but work for future.
(iv) Why do you think the grasshopper was hungry but helpless?
Ans: The grasshopper was hungry but helpless as it went to beg food from the ant in winter.
2- I suppose ………………………………………. no expostulations.
Questions with their answer:
(i) What is the opinion of the author about every family?
Ans: The opinion of the author was that every family has a black sheep i.e. a disgraceful person for the family like Tom was for Ramsay’s family.
(ii) How did Tom begin his life?
Ans: Tom began his life very decently. He had his business, got married and soon had two children.
(iii) What type of people had the Ramsays been?
Ans: The Ramsays were perfectly respectable people.
(iv) What did Tom declare one day?
Ans: One day, Tom declared that he did not like work and was totally unfit for the married life. He wanted
to enjoy himself.
3- The man Tom ………………………………….. month there.
Questions with their answer:
(i) Who was Cronshaw?
Ans: Cronshaw was the man whom Tom had cheated. Although Tom and Cronshaw together planned to
blackmail Tom’s brother and both fled to Monte Carlo after getting money from him.
(ii) What did it cost George to settle the affair?
Ans: It cost George a sum of five hundred pounds to settle the affair.
(iii) Which behaviour of Tom sent George into a rage?
Ans: When George heard that Tom and Cronshaw had gone off together to Monte Carlo by cashing the
cheque then this sent George into a rage. (iv) Why was Tom performing the role of a cheat?
Ans: Tom was performing the role of a cheat because he fooled his brother and cashed the cheque and
went to Monte Carlo with Cronshaw for gambling.
4- Poor George ……………………… was growing old too.
Questions with their answer:
(i) How old did George look?
Ans: George looked sixty years old.
(ii) How punctual was George in his duty?
Ans: George was very punctual as he had never taken more than a fortnights holiday in the year for a quarter of a century.
(iii) What kind of father and husband was George?
Ans: George was the best father and a faithful husband.
(iv) What was George’s plan after retirement? Ans: George would shift to a little house in the country. He would cultivate garden and play golf there.
5- “You’re not going ……………………………. me.”
Questions with their answer:
(i) What has been the George’s way of life?
Ans: George’s way of life has been hard-working, decent, respectable and straightforward.
(ii) What do you understand by the expression, ‘a life of industry’?
Ans: The expression ‘a life of industry’ means that the life of a person should be full of hard work.
(iii) George hopes to retire a contented man. How do you know?
Ans: George Ramsay hopes to retire a contented man as he has been investing money in gilt-edged
securities for use at the time of retirement.
(iv) What do you understand by the term ‘Providence’?
Ans: The term ‘Providence’ stands for God.
Short Answer Type Questions Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each:
1- What lesson does one learn from the fable ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’?
Ans: From the fable ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’ one learns that hardwork is rewarded and laziness is punished.
2- How did Tom blackmail his brother George?
Ans: Tom started shaking cocktails behind the bar of the restaurant and waiting on the box-seat of a taxi outside the club of his elder brother George. He adopted these ways to blackmail his brother George.
3- What news did George Ramsay give to the author about his brother Tom Ramsay?
Ans: George told the author that his brother became engaged to a woman old enough to be his mother a few weeks before and after her death he had got half a million pounds, a yacht, a house in London and a house in the country.
4- People knew that Tom was a worthless fellow. Why did they like him then?
Ans: Despite the fact that people knew how worthless Tom was yet people liked him because he was charming and handsome.
5- Why did the people around like Tom?
Ans: People around like Tom because he has something special in his personality that attracted them. He was charming as well as handsome.
6- Why did George Ramsay dislike his brother?
Ans: George Ramsay disliked his brother Tom because he was a worthless fellow, hated to work, and spent money on luxuries. Tom never cared for future and believed in enjoying life on borrowed money.
7- What did Tom Ramsay do for twenty years?
Ans: Tom Ramsay was a source of trouble to his elder brother George for twenty years. He borrowed money from everyone whom he knew. When Tom was short of money, he started blackmailing his elder brother George.
8- What did Tom start doing when his money was spent?
Ans: Tom hated work. He was an idle man. So he started borrowing money form his friends when his money was spent. He regularly borrowed money from his friends and spend it on luxuries.
Long Answer Type Questions Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words:
1- Give a character-sketch of Tom Ramsay.
Ans: Introduction: Tom Ramsay was the only brother of George Ramsay. He was only one year younger to him. He began his life decently. He started his business. He got married and had two children. His personality: He was a man of incredible charm. Therefore he made friends easily. He was the most amusing companion. He had high spirits and unfailing gaiety. He always looked as if he had just stepped out of a bandbox. An unscrupulous man: There was a sudden change in his mind. He left his business and his family. When his money was spent, he began to borrow it. He blackmailed his elder brother many a time. He cheated him for 500 pounds with the help of Cronshaw and left together for Monte Carlo, a gambling resort. A pleasure-seeking man: For twenty years Tom raced and gambled. He amused himself by making love to the prettiest girls and danced with them. He ate in the most expensive restaurants. Practical man: He was a practical man. He became engaged to a very old woman. She died after some days. She left half a million pounds, a yacht, a house in London and a house in the country for him. He knew that virtue and justice are not always rewarded. In the end, his idleness won. Conclusion: Tom, in the fable, is a symbol of the grasshopper who sings, dances and enjoys himself all the time and gets success in the end without doing any hard work.
2- Give a character-sketch of George.
Ans: Introduction: Geroge Ramsay was a respectable lawyer. All his life he had been hard-working, decent and straightforward. As a responsible person: George had a respectable family life. Even in thought he had never been false to his wife. To his four daughters he was the good father. He was also affectionate and helpful to his only brother Tom. Despite all the faults and failings of his younger brother Tom. He repeatedly helped him with money so that he might make a fresh start in life. An honest, hard-working man: George worked hard in his office from morning to evening. He never took more than fifteen days leave in a year. His life was blameless. A thrifty man with a foresight: George saved a third of his income regularly. He had wisely planned to retire at fifty-five to a little house in the country. He hoped to have thirty thousand pounds at the age of fifty. He symbolizes the ant in the fable ‘The ant and the Grasshopper’. A simple man: George was a simple man. He could be easily cheated. He often believed his brother’s promised of improvement and gave him sums of money which Tom used to spent on luxuries. He could not see through the invented story of his brother’s going to jail and was practically robbed of five hundred pounds. Conclusion: When Tom became richer than his brother, he called it absolutely ‘unfair’. In the end he stands as a man having no faith in natural justice.
3- Describe the story “The Ant and the Grasshopper” in your own words.
Ans: Introduction: When the narrator was a very small boy, he was made to learn by heart the fable ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’. Lesson one learns from the fable: One learns from the fable that hardwork is rewarded and laryness is punished. The fable shows that the ant worked in summer so she was comfortable in winter. The grasshopper did not work in summer. He sat on a grass blade in the sun and sang with pleasure so he suffered in winter. It has been generally seen that one who works is rewarded and one who is lazy, is punished.
The narrator view: The story teller does not agree to the lesson of the fable. He has tried to prove otherwise. He has given the example of two brothers George Ramsay and Tom Ramsay. George Ramsay represents the ant. He worked hard. Tom Ramsay represents the grasshopper. He did not work, he was lazy and good for nothing. But he passed his life comfortably and luxuriously while George Ramsay suffered a lot in his life. Conclusion: The narrator does not agree to the lesson of the fable. Tom became richer than his brother and the author called it absolutely ‘unfair’.
4- Illustrate how the lesson ‘The Ant and the Grasshopopr’ is a disapproval of prudence and common sense.
Ans: The story: The narrator had read the fable about an ant and a grasshopper. It was shown in it that the person who wastes his time in making merry thoughtlessly suffers like the grasshopper. The author says that sometimes the opposite is true. The result: The present story shows it by the example of the Ramsay brothers. Tom Ramsay was the most careless person. He spent his time and money in enjoying himself. But he did not suffer in the end. On the other hand he became very rich and comfortable. If Tom had been prudent like his brother George his life would have been all hard work. His last days would have been comfortable but not luxurious. George used prudence and common sense while Tom ignored them, but Tom was much better off. So these two qualities sometimes do not carry much weight.
5- Compare and contrast the characters of Tom and George.
Ans: Introduction: George Ramsay and Tom Ramsay belong to a respectable family. Tom is only one year younger than George. Comparison: Both the brothers begin their career honourably. Both are married and have children. Contrast: There is a remarkable contrast between the two. George is a lawyer. He works hard in his office till evening. He is decent, respectable and straightforward. He saves one-third part of his income for his retirement. He is sensible for the fame of the family. He gives money to Tom in order that he make a fresh start. George is a good husband and a good father. Tom starts a business. He married and has two children. But suddenly he deserts his wife and business to enjoy himself. He is an idle, worthless, disolute and dishonourable rogue. He blackmails his elder brother George for his luxury. Tom is good looking. At the age of 45, he becomes engaged to a woman old enough to be his mother. She died after a few weeks leaving for Tom everything she had. Half a million pounds, a yacht, a house in London and a house in the country.
Conclusion: George condemns his brother Tom’s actions they are not fair.
6- What method or methods did Tom Ramsay use to get money from George Ramsay?
Ans: Tom Ramsay used the following methods to get money from George Ramsay:
False promise:– Tom promised George to make amendment in his life. George therefore gave Tom considerable sums once or twice in order that he might make a fresh start. But Tom bought a motor car and some very nice jewellery with the money.
Blackmailing:– Tom began shaking cocktails behind the bar of George’s favourite restaurant. He began waiting on the box-seat of taxi outside George’s club. Tom said that he could give up these things for the honour of the family if George gave him two hundred pounds.
Cheating:– He designed and intrigue in connivance of Cronshaw who was a vindictive man. He said that Tom had cheated him. He would take the matter into court. Tom’s action was illegal. George feared that Tom would be prosecuted and convicted. George paid five hundred pounds to settle the affair. These were Tom’s craftiness of getting money from his elder brother George.
Multiple Choice Questions Choose the most suitable option:
1- Tom, without a qualm, began to ……………. him.
(a) blackmail (b) advise (c)praise (d) help
Ans:– (a) blackmail
2- For money Tom ……………………. on his elder brother George.
(a) depended (b) differed (c) denied (d) declared
Ans:– (a) depended
3- Tom said that to serve in a bar or to drive a taxi was perfectly decent
(a) entertainment (b) hobby (c) occupation (d) game
Ans:– (c) occupation
Once Tom nearly went to prison, George was terribly ………
(a) happy (b) relaxed (c) upset (d) serious
5- I suppose every family has a ……….. (a)mad dog
(b) white elephant (c) black sheep (d) shining car
Ans:– (c) black sheep
6- I …………….. at once that Tom had been causing trouble again.
(a) looked (b) thought (c) suspected (d) imagined
Ans:– c) suspected
7- George was a serious man and insensible to such ….. ………………
(a) enticements (b) temptations (c) allurements (d) luxury
Ans:– a) enticements
8- And you can’t deny that Tom has been an idle, worthless, dissolute and dishonorable ….
(a) person (b) scoundrel (c) rogue (d) rascal
Ans:– (c) rogue
9- I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep ………..
(a) darkness (b) sorrow (c) grief (d) gloom
Ans:– (d) gloom
10- Tom had been a sore ……….. ……… to him for twenty years.
(a) test (b) trial (c) evidence (d) difficulty
Ans:– b) trial
11- The money that was amusing to spend was the money you spent on
(a)necessities (b) amusements (c) luxuries (d) entertainments
Ans:– (c) luxuries
12- I could not … . thinking of the fable by La Fontaine.
(a) support (b) help (c) aid (d) assist
Ans:– (b) help
13- In the fable, the ant stands for ..
(a) hard work (b) kindness (c) enjoyment (d) idleness
ans — (a) hard work
14- Tom Ramsay knew everyone and. ………. knew Tom Ramsay.
(a) nobody (b) all (c) everyone (d) none
Ans:– c) everyone
15- If he were prosecuted he would assuredly be ……….
(a) evicted (b) effected (c) ejected (d) convicted
Ans:– d) convicted
16- Tom always looked as if he had stepped out. (a) of the jail
(b) of a bandbox (c) of the miseries (d) a hotel
Ans:– (b) of a bandbox
17- Poor George! I ………… ……………… with him.
(a) loved (b) spoke (c) sympathized (d) played
Ans:– (c) sympathized
18- He was in his office every morning at nine thirty and …………… left it till six.
(a) sometimes (b) always (c) never (d) yesterday
Ans:– (c) never
19- Every family has a …… …………… sheep.
(a) brown (b) white (c) yellow (d) black
Ans:– (d) black
language Skills type question
1- Write the synonyms of the following words:
fable…………………..short story
perversity…………………..perverseness/ awkwardness
reconcile…………………..reunite/ accept
hilarious…………………..extremely amusing
providence…………………..fate/ destiny
trifle…………………..unimportant thing
2– Write the antonyms of the following words:
3- Given below are some pairs of words use them in your own sentences to bring out their meanings:
(i) birth—–Woman can give birth and grow a child independently.
berth—At night, the seats of train pulled together to form the lower berth.
(ii) night–It was a dark night, when they started their journey.
knight–The knight wore an armor made of metal.
(iii) childish–He kicked his legs in a childish tantrum.
childlike–He had a childlike faith in the power of love.
4- Use these phrases/expressions in your own sentences:
to bring—This is to bring to your notice that we are organizing a trip to Shimla.
provided for—He had a large family to provide for.
blackmail—They blackmailed him for the letter.
to be deficient in —–They were deficient in courage.
wash one’s hand of someone—— The baby sitter washed her hands of her responsibilities when the children refused to go to bed.
to bring home—–He promised to bring home his lost dog.