UP Board Class 12 English Prose Chapter 3 The Secret of Health, Success and Power -James Allen
The Secret of Health, Success and Power -James Allen
जहाँ अडिग विश्वास और जीवन की सुचिता (पवित्रता) शोभायमान है वहीं पर आरोग्यता है, वहीं पर सफलता है, और वहीं पर सामर्थ्य है । ऐसे व्यक्ति में बीमारी, असफलता और दुर्भाग्य के लिए कोई स्थान नहीं होता क्योंकि उस व्यक्ति में ऐसी कोई चीज नहीं होती जिस पर ये फल-फूल सकें ।
जितनी जल्दी हम अनुभव करें और स्वीकार करें कि रुग्णता हमारी अपनी गलतियों या पाप का फल है, उतनी ही जल्दी हम स्वास्थ्य के मार्ग पर अग्रसर हो सकेंगे । बीमारी उनके पास आती है जो उसे आकर्षित करते हैं, वह उनके पास आती है जिनके मस्तिष्क और शरीर उसके ग्राही हैं, और बीमारी उनसे दूर भागती है जिनके शक्तिशाली, विशुद्ध और सकारात्मक विचारों के प्रभामण्डल जीवनदायिनी विचारधाराएँ उत्पन्न करते है ।
यदि आप क्रोध, चिन्ता, ईर्ष्या, लालच या किसी अन्य अशांत मानसिक अवस्था के शिकार है और आप पूर्ण शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य की आशा करते हैं तो आप असंभव की आशा कर रहे हैं क्योंकि आप लगातार अपने मस्तिष्क में बीमारी के बीज बो रहे हैं । बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति ऐसी मानसिक दशाओं से होशियारी से बचाव करता है क्योंकि वह जानता है कि वे दशाएँ गंदी नाली या रोगाणुओं से भरे मकान से भी कहीं अधिक खतरनाक हैं ।
यदि आप सभी शारीरिक दर्द और पीड़ाओं से मुक्ति प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं और पूर्ण शारीरिक समरसता का आनंद लेना चाहते है, तब अपने मस्तिष्क को व्यवस्थित करें और अपने विचारों में सामंजस्य बनाए रखें । आनन्ददायक विचार सोचिए; प्रिय विचार सोचिए; सद्भावना को जीवन को बल देने दीजिए और आधार बनने दीजिए, और आपको किसी अन्य दवा की आवश्यकता नहीं पडेगी । अपनी ईर्ष्या, अपनी शंका, अपनी चिन्ता, अपनी घृणा, अपने स्वार्थ की आसक्ति को दूर भगाइए और आप अपच, पित्तदोष, घबराहट और जोड़ों में दर्द से मुक्ति पा जाएँगे । यदि आप ऐसे विचारों से, जो आपको भ्रष्ट करते हैं और कमजोर बनाते हैं, चिपके रहते हैं, तब यह शिकायत न कीजिए कि आपका शरीर रोगग्रस्त हो गया है ।
बहुत से लोग शिकायत करते हैं कि कार्य की अधिकता के कारण उनका स्वास्थ्य खराब हो गया है । ऐसे मामलों में अधिकांश खराब स्वास्थ्य प्रायः मूर्खतापूर्ण ढंग से बरबाद की हुई शक्ति का परिणाम होता है । यदि आप स्वास्थ्य को सुरक्षित रखना चाहते हैं तो आपको चिंतामुक्त होकर कार्य करने का ढंग आना चाहिए । बेचैन होना या उत्तेजित होना अथवा अनावश्यक विवरण पर चिंता करना, खराब स्वास्थ्य को निमंत्रण देना है । कार्य चाहे मस्तिष्क का हो या शरीर का, लाभदायक और स्वास्थ्यप्रद होता है और जो व्यक्ति मानसिक शांति भंग किए बिना लगातार और दृढ़ता से कार्य कर सकता है, जो सभी परेशानियों और चिन्ता से मुक्त होता है, अपने हाथ में लिए कार्य के अतिरिक्त अन्य सब बातों को बिलकुल भूलकर कार्य कर सकता है, वह अपने कार्य को कहीं अधिक अच्छी तरह से समाप्त करेगा; उस व्यक्ति की अपेक्षा जो सदैव जल्दबाजी में और बेचैन होता है । पहले प्रकार का व्यक्ति वरदानस्वरूप अपना स्वास्थ्य भी बनाए रखता है जबकि दूसरा व्यक्ति बहुत ही शीघ्र, सजा के रूप में, अपना स्वास्थ्य खो बैठता है ।
सच्चा स्वास्थ्य और सच्ची सफलता साथ-साथ चलती हैं क्योंकि वे विचारों के राज्य में इस प्रकार घुले-मिले हुए हैं कि वे अलग नहीं हो सकते । विश्वास की शक्ति से प्रत्येक स्थायी महत्व का कार्य सम्पन्न हो जाता है । ईश्वर में विश्वास; ब्रह्माण्ड को शासित करने वाले नियम में विश्वास; अपने कार्य में विश्वास और उस कार्य को समाप्त करने की अपनी शक्ति में विश्वास- जीवन में यह विश्वास आपके क्रियाकलाप का आधार बने यदि आप सफलता चाहें, यदि आप खड़ा होना चाहें और न गिरें । सभी परिस्थितियों में आप अपनी अन्तरात्मा की आवाज का अनुसरण करें; सहज अच्छाई के प्रति सदैव सत्य रहें; आत्मा की अचूक आवाज़, जो हमारे जीवन की सच्ची पथ-प्रदर्शक है, के अनुसार कार्य करें और उस पर निर्भर रहें; निर्भीक तथा शान्त ह्रदय से अपने उद्देश्य का अनुगमन करें; यह विश्वास करें कि भविष्य आपके प्रत्येक विचार और प्रयास की आवश्यकता को पूरा करेगा; यह विश्वास करें कि अच्छे कार्यो के अच्छे और बुरे कार्यो के बुरे परिणाम होते हैं । यह ब्रह्माण्ड का नियम है, और यदि आप अच्छा करेंगे तो अच्छा पाएँगे और बुरा करेंगे तो बुरा पाएँगे । यह विश्वास है और विश्वास ही जीवन है ।
ऐसे विश्वास की शक्ति से जीवन में प्रत्येक चीज़ सुनिश्चित हो जाती है, भयंकर कठिनाईयाँ भी झुक जाती है तथा विश्वासी आत्मा बिना किसी हानि के आगे बढ़ जाती है । हे पाठक! प्रत्येक चीज़ से ऊपर इस निर्भीक विश्वास की अमूल्य सम्पत्ति प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करें, क्योंकि यह प्रसन्नता, सफलता, शान्ति, शक्ति तथा उन सब चीज़ों, जो कष्ट के सापेक्ष जीवन को उदात्त तथा श्रेष्ठ बनाती हैं, का ताबीज है । यदि आप ऐसे विश्वास पर निर्माण करते हैं तो आप स्थायी रूप से उसकी दृढ़ नींव रखते हैं और शाश्वत सामग्री का प्रयोग करते हैं, और वह ढाँचा, जो आप खड़ा करेंगे, कभी नहीं गिरेगा, क्योंकि वह सांसारिक सम्पत्तियों, जिनका अन्त शून्य है, से उत्तम होगा । चाहे आप दुःख के गहरे सागर में फेंक दिए जाएँ या आनंद के शिखर पर बिठा दिए जाएँ, इस विश्वास पर सदैव अपना अधिकार बनाए रखें, सदैव इस शक्तिशाली शरण प्रदान करने वाले स्थान पर वापस आएँ और इसकी दृढ़ नींव पर अपने पैर जमाकर रखें । ऐसे विश्वास में केन्द्रित होकर, आपके अंदर ऐसे आध्यात्मिक शक्ति आ जाएगी जो बुराई की ताकतों को, जो आपके ऊपर उड़ेली जाती है, ऐसे विनष्ट कर देगी जैसे काँच के बहुत-से खिलौने टूटकर चकनाचूर हो जाते हैं तथा आप ऐसी सफलता प्राप्त करेंगे जिसको सांसारिक आनन्द खोजने वाला कभी जान भी नहीं पाएगा और यहाँ तक कि वह उसकी कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकेगा ।
यदि इस विश्वास का वास आप में हो जाए तो आपको अपने भविष्य की सफलता या असफलता के बारे में परेशान होने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ेगी और सफलता प्राप्त होगी । आपको परिणाम के बारे में चिन्ता करने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ेगी, परन्तु प्रसन्नतापूर्वक तथा शान्तिपूर्वक कार्य कीजिए, यह जानते हुए कि सही विचार और सही प्रयास अपरिहार्य रूप से सही परिणाम देंगे ।
आपकी सफलता, आपकी असफलता, आपका प्रभाव, आपका सम्पूर्ण जीवन जो आप व्यतीत कर रहे हैं, नियंत्रण करने वाली आपकी विचारधाराएँ आपके भाग्य के निर्णायक कारक हैं । जीवित, विशुद्ध और प्रसन्न विचार प्रेषित कीजिए और आपके हाथों में आशीर्वाद टपकेंगे और आपकी मेज पर शांति का कपड़ा बिछेगा । घृणित, अशुद्ध और दुःखदायी विचार प्रेषित कीजिए और आपके ऊपर अभिषापों की वर्षा होने लगेगी, और भय तथा अशांति के कारण आपको नींद भी नहीं आएगी । आप अपने भाग्य के एकमात्र विधाता है, वह भाग्य कुछ भी हो । आप प्रत्येक क्षण ऐसे प्रभाव प्रेषित करते रहते हैं जो आपके जीवन को बनाएँगे या नष्ट करेंगे । आपका ह्रदय विशाल, स्नेहिल और निःस्वार्थी व ओजस्वी बने तो आपका प्रभाव और सफलता स्थायी होंगे, भले ही आप कुछ धन ही कमाएँ । आप अपने ह्रदय को स्वार्थों की तंग सीमाओं में सीमित करें और भले ही आप लखपति बन जाएँ, आपका प्रभाव और सफलता अन्त में पूरी तरह से महत्वहीन होंगे ।
तब इस शुद्ध और निःस्वार्थ भावना को विकसित करें और अपने लक्ष्य के प्रति पूर्ण समर्थन की पवित्रता और विश्वास के साथ मिलाएँ तो आप अपने ह्रदय से मूल तत्वों को बाहर निकालेंगे जो केवल भरपूर स्वास्थ्य व स्थायी सफलता ही नहीं लाएँगे अपितु दिव्यता और शक्ति भी प्रदान करेंगे ।
आपका कार्य कुछ भी हो, अपना पूरा मस्तिष्क उस पर लगाएँ, अपनी क्षमता के अनुसार अपनी पूरी शक्ति उसमें झोंक दें । छोटे कार्यों के त्रुटिहीन समापन अपरिहार्य रूप से और बड़े कार्यों की ओर मार्ग प्रशस्त करते हैं । ध्यान दें, ऊपर चढ़ने की आपकी गति नियमित हो और आप ऊपर उठ जाएँ, तो आप कभी नीचे नहीं गिरेंगे । और इस बात में सच्ची शक्ति का रहस्य निहित है । लगातार अभ्यास से आप सीखेंगे कि आपने संसाधनों की सही ढंग से व्यवस्था कैसे की जाए और उनको किसी भी क्षण एक विशेष कार्य के लिए कैसे संकेन्द्रित किया जाए । मूर्ख लोग अपनी समस्त मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक शक्ति का मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्यों, बकवास या स्वार्थपूर्ण दलील में बरबाद करते हैं, हानिकारक शारीरिक कार्य जैसे आवश्यकता से अधिक खाना-पीना, जो स्वास्थ्य खराब करते हैं उनका तो क्या उल्लेख किया जाए ।
यदि आप दूसरों पर विजय प्राप्त कने की शक्ति प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो आपको मस्तिष्क की शांति और सन्तुलित विकसित करना चाहिए । आप में अकेला खड़े होने की शक्ति होनी चाहिए । समस्त शक्ति दृढ़ता से जुड़ी होती है । पर्वत, विशाल चट्टान, शाहबलूत का वृक्ष जो तूफानों में भी दृढ़ खड़ा रहता है- ये सभी हमें शक्ति का संदेश देते हैं क्योंकि उनमें एकान्त की शान और ऐसी दृढ़ता, जो कभी हिल न सके, मिली होती है; जबकि इधर-उधर छिटका हुआ रेत, झुकने वाली टहनी और हिलती हुई नरकुल हमें कमजोरी का सन्देश देते हैं क्योंकि वे हिलने वाले हैं तथा अवरोधशून्य हैं और वे जब अपने साथियों से अलग हो जाते हैं तो पूर्णरूपेण बेकार हो जाते हैं । वह व्यक्ति शक्ति वाला होता है जो, जब उसके सभी साथी किसी मनोवेग या उमंग के कारण पृथक् हो जाते हैं तब भी वह शान्त तथा स्थिर रहता है ।
वही व्यक्ति दूसरों पर नियंत्रण रखने के लिए उपयुक्त है जो स्वयं को नियंत्रित व निर्देशित करने में सफल रहा है । मिर्गीग्रस्त, भयभीत, विचारहीन और मूर्ख लोग ऐसे हैं जो संगति की तलाश करते रहते हैं अन्यथा वे सहारा न मिलने पर गिर जाएँगे; परन्तु शान्त, निर्भीक, विचारशील और गम्भीर लोग ऐसे हैं जो यदि पर्वत के शिखर पर भी चढ़ जाएँ तो उनकी शक्ति में और अधिक शक्ति जुड़ जाएगी और वे अधिकाधिक सफलतापूर्वक बुरे प्रभावों और मुसीबतों, जो मानव जाति को घेरे रहती हैं, को नियन्त्रित कर सकेंगे ।
उमंग शक्ति नहीं है; वह शक्ति का दुरुपयोग है । शक्ति का बिखराव करना शक्ति को कमजोर करना है । उमंग क्रुद्ध तूफान के समान होती है, जो मजबूती से सुरक्षित चट्टान पर भयानक रूप से तथा जंगली ढंग से टकराती है; जबकि शक्ति स्वयं चट्टान के समान होती है जो तूफानों में भी शान्त व अडिग रहती है ।
यदि आपमें यह शक्ति नहीं है तो आप इसको अभ्यास द्वारा प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और शक्ति का आरम्भ, ज्ञान के आरम्भ के समान होता है । आप उन बेकार की बातों में व्यर्थ लगे रहते हैं, जान-बूझकर उनके शिकार होते रहे हैं, उन पर विजय प्राप्त करके आपको यह कार्य आरम्भ करना चाहिए । जोर से तथा हिंसा से और बिना नियन्त्रण की हँसी, बदनाम करने वाली तथा मूर्ख बात, और केवल हँसाने के लिए मजाक करना इन सब चीज़ों को उठाकर एक ओर रख दीजिए क्योंकि इनमें बहुमूल्य शक्ति बरबाद होती है ।
महत्वपूर्ण तथ्य है कि केवल एक उद्देश्य मन में रखिए: आपका उद्देश्य वैध तथा लाभदायक हो और पूरे मन से इसमें जट जाइए । आपको कोई भी चीज़ इस उद्देश्य से एक ओर न हटाए; स्मरण रखिए कि वह व्यक्ति जिसके मन में बहुत से उद्देश्य होते हैं सब प्रकार से अस्थिर होता है । सीखने के लिए उत्सुक रहिए, परन्तु माँगने में सुस्त रहिए । अपने कार्य की पूरी जानकारी रखिए और यह समझदारी आपकी अपनी हो और जैसे-जैसे आप आगे बढ़ते हैं, अपनी आत्मा की पथ-प्रदर्शक, त्रुटिविहीन आवाज़ का अनुसरण करिए तो आपको एक विजय के पश्चात् दूसरी विजय प्राप्त होती रहेगी और आप धीरे-धीरे सम्मान एवं प्रतिष्ठा के पद तक उठेंगे और आपका सदैव विस्तृत होने वाला दृष्टिकोण आपके समक्ष जीवन का आवश्यक उद्देश्य और सौन्दर्य धीरे-धीरे प्रकट करेगा । आप स्वयं में पवित्र हैं तो आपको स्वास्थ्य प्राप्त होगा; यदि आप सुरक्षित विश्वास है तो आपको सफलता प्राप्त होगी; आपका स्वयं पर नियन्त्रण है तो आपको शक्ति प्राप्त होगी, और आप जो भी करेंगे उसमें प्रगति होगी, क्योंकि यदि आप एक अविभाजित इकाई तथा स्वयं को दास न बनाने वाले हो जाएँ तो ईश्वरीय नियम, जिससे ब्रह्माण्ड चलता है, के साथ आप समरस हो जाएँगे; आपको ब्राह्राण्ड के जीवन तथा शाश्वत अच्छाई के नियम के विरुद्ध नहीं अपितु उसके साथ कार्य करना चाहिए । इससे आप जो स्वास्थ्य प्राप्त करते हैं वह स्थायी होगा; आप जो सफलता प्राप्त करें, आप अपनी सफलता की गणना नहीं कर सकेंगे और वह कभी समाप्त नहीं होगी; और आप जो प्रभाव व शक्ति धारण करेंगे वह युगों तक बढ़ता चला जाएगा क्योंकि वह उस अपरिवर्तनीय सिद्धान्त का एक अंग होगा जो ब्रह्माण्ड को गतिशील रखता है ।
इस प्रकार तब स्वास्थ्य का रहस्य यह हुआ-विशुद्ध ह्रदय और सुसंयमित मस्तिष्क; सफलता का रहस्य यह हुआ- अविचलित एवं स्थिर विश्वास और ऐसा उद्देश्य जो बुद्धिमानी से चुना गया हो; और वासना के काले घोड़े को स्थिर दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति से काबू करना, शक्ति का रहस्य है ।
Explanation Explain with reference to the context the following:
1 — Wherethereis…………….. on which they can feed.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lines, the author is describing the foundation of health, success and power.
Explanation: In this passage, the author gives a brief description about the secret of health, success and power. According to the author, health, success and power stay there where is a strong and true confidence. A person who is faithful, kind an true will have no place for diseases and failures in his life. A man with such virtues cannot be harmed by sudden mishaps and fall down. There would be nothing on which these evil things can grow and flourish.
2 — The sooner werealise……………………….. ….life-giving currents referes.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lines the author is saying that illness and sickness go to those who attracts them. It means, who gives them chance to feed on are generally attacked by them.
Explanation: The author says that as soon as we shall realise and accept that illness is the consequence of our own mistake and error, the sooner we shall enter upon the highway of health. Disease does not attack healthy and strong people. Weak and sick people lure it. It runs from those who are strong, truthful and positive and such virtues and positive thinking produces curing and life giving waves.
3 — Ifyou aregiven……………………… an infected house.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. The author says in these lines that one cannot expect a healthy body if one possesses anger, jealousy, greedy or any other negative thing. These negative things are the courses of stress and diseases. These are the reason of a disturbed mind. Explanation: The author says it is necessary to be fire from all kinds of negative possessions like anger, jealousy, greedy etc to have a perfect physical health. It is because such negative things disturbs ones mind. Therefore a man, who is intelligent, takes care of being fallen a prey of these negative things. These things are more dangerous than a dirty or drained house filled with germs.
4 — Many people complain……….. ……………invitea breakdown.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lines, the author says that the break down in people is the result of the energy they wasted stupidly.
Explanation: In this passage, the author describes that the energy wasted unwisely is the actual cause of break down. He says that if you want to maintain your health physically and mentally then you should learn to work without taking stress or affecting your body. Unnecessary anxiousness or excitement over called things are issues in the major cause of a breakdown.
5 — Work, whether of brain ……………………………. forfeits.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. Here the author says that a person should always work whether its physical or mental. It is always beneficial as it helps to stay healthy.
Explanation: In this passage, the author emphasis one doing work. According to him, work of and type, whether its physical or mental, is always advantage our (beneficial) and health improving. The man who works with calmness, and is determined about it feels no anxiety, tiredness and apprehensions. His mind is just focussed on the work provided to him. Such man will achieve much more than the one who always get tired and in hurry. A determined man is also capable of maintaining good health which is a boon for him but penance for the complaining people.
6 — To follow, under space all ……………. …………… believing of faith.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lines, the author says that in all kinds of situations, better or worse, we should listen to our innerself. Believing in yourself will never lead you to failure and you will get your confidence back exactly in the way you want.
Explanation: In this passage, the author describes the importance of relying and believing in yourself. We should always be truthful and honest to ourselves. Always believe in the inner voice and let the inner light of your heart enlighten your path which will help you to follow and focus on your aim. Author says that pursue your aim with a brave and calm heart believing that the future will never let you down and your inner strength will come back to you because the laws of universe can never fail. Have belief in your own trust and belief.
7 — By the power ……………………… …………….. superior to suffering.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extacted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lines, the author describes the power of faith in yourself.
Explanation: According to the author, the power of having faith in yourself and in your work can erase uncertainty and disturbance from life. It is capable of fighting with bad times and defeat it. One should always try to acquire things like honest, truth, bravery and the most important to save faith in yourself. This fearless faith is the magic and charm of getting success, happiness, peace, power and everything that makes life illustrious and less suffered.
8 — If you will become ………………………………….. right results.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lines, the author tells about the great strength of faith. According to him, if some one has faith on himself/herself than that person should not worry about the success or failure of future.
Explanation: In this passage the author says that if a person firmly believes in his work and on himself then he won’t require to be worried about the success and failure he will get in future. If he works happily and peacefully, success will surely come to him. Correct thoughts and efforts will never lead you to wrong path so there is no need to be worried about results. It always brings right results.
9 — Your success, ……………………………………… upon your pillow.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power.’ It is written by James Allen. In these lines, the author describes that anything we do in our life are the factors which decide our fortune.
Explanation: The author says that our success, failure and whatever we carry in our life are the characteristics that decides our fate. We should always bring our best attitude. Unblemished, clean and lively thinking will keep a person ahead. If we shall bring hatred, bad and dejected thoughts then there will be rain of bad moments and events, we will live in fear and agitation.
10 — You are the unconditional …………………… insignificant.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. The author says that firm faith is a good quality of a man. If we have full confidence in our work then it will bring us good result. Our thoughts are the determining factors of our destiny.
Explanation: The author says that we are the builder of our own fate hand this depends upon our thoughts. There are two types of thoughts, good and bad. If we are kind-hearted, loving and unselfish, our influence and success will be great. But if our thoughts are narrow and self-centred, our influence and success will be useless. We may make little money or may become a millionaire, it makes no difference. When we limit ourselves to our self interests, then all the things we’re done in our life become of no importance.
11– Cultivate, then, ………………………………………. power.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lives the author says that if we have a big heart and are loving, selfless then all there develop into a great and endeving success. Explanation: The author advises us to develop chaste of feeling and unselfish soul and combine it with faith. Our purpose should be single and that should be to achieve perfect health, perfect success and perfect power. These all things are necessary for good success in life. In the absence of these qualities success in any sphere of life is not possible.
12 — Whatever your task.. ……………………………………… of true power.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. According to the author our thoughts should be strong, because the trends of thoughts are the strong factors in deciding the destiny of man. Therefore, everyman of the society should try to develop in him chaste and selfless heart combined with faith.
Explanation: The author advices the youth of new generation that they should not keep in mind whatsoever their task are. In our life no work is bad if the intention of the work is good. Therefore, they should fully concentrate their mind upon it. For the successful completion of work, they should spend their full energy and resources with honestly. They must remember that a small bit of success inspires them to carry the effort ahead with strong faith. He will find that in the time to come, he will rise slowly day by day and never face failure. This is the main formulato achieve the success and power.
13 — The hysterical, ………………………………………………………. engult mankind.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. The author says here that one who are apprehensive, diplomatic and unwise should be supported or they will fall without it.
Explanation: In this passage, the author says that the people who have succeeded in commanding and controlling themselves are fit to command and control others. Those who are fearful, hysterical and unwise need to be supported because they will fall without support but the one who is calm, fearless and thoughtful and serious can liberate mankind from serious problems of life. No trouble and issue can stand before them.
14 — Passion ……………………. through it all.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. According to the author, there is a difference between passion and power. Passion is maltreatment of power.
Explanation: The author says that there is a great difference between passion and power. Passion is the wrong use of power. Diffusion or scattering of power weakens a man. Passion is compared to a furious storm. It beats fiercely and wildly upon the rock which is strongly protected. Power is compared to that very rock. It is not at all affected by the angry storm. The rock is silent and fixed in spite the fierce attack of the storm.
15 — Self purified ……………………………………………………. Eternal Good.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The secret of Health Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. The author says that if your soul is clean and pure then you will be healthy yourself.
Explanation: In this passage, the author says that it your inner self and soul is clean then you will be healthy. If you have faith in yourself then you will get the success. If you will lead yourself then the power will be yours. Thus following all these virtues will flourish and keep you in harmony with the life and its prospertity.
16 — This, then, is the ……………………………………………… of power.
Reference to the context: These lines have been extracted from the chapter ‘The Secret of Health, Success and Power’. It is written by James Allen. In these lines teh author is telling the secret of health, success and power. These are the concluding lines of the prose.
Explanation: In these concluding lines the author says that the secret of health is a pure heart and a well planned mind. The Secret of success is firm and strong faith and a wisely directed aim of life. The secret of power is to keep under control will power the dark horse of desire.
Comprehension———- Read the following passage and answer the questions given below them:
1 — Where there. …….. an infected house.
Questions with their answers:
(i) Where is the success, health and power ?
Ans. The success, health and power where genuine belief firm and clean mind reside.
(ii) What is meant by the expression ‘positive thought sphere’ ?
Ans. The expression ‘positive thought sphere’ means the surrounding and atmosphere of pure, clean and good thinking.
(iii) What are known to be the seeds of disease, according to the author ?
Ans. Anger, worry, jealousy, greed or any other inharmonious state of mind are known to be the seeds of disease.
(iv) What is the secret of health according to the wise man ?
Ans. Sterling faith and uncompromising purity is the secret of health according to the wise man.
(v) What is meant by the expression ‘a bad drain or ‘an infected house’ ?
Ans. The expression means a dirty area or a house that is predominate by infectious microbes. Here it means the bad thoughts that surround human mind.
(vi) In the third paragraph of the passage the author has mentioned anger worsy, jealousy and greed as examples of inharmonious state of mind. Give one more example of this kind. Ans. One more example of this kind is hatred and psychological tension.
2 — If you would ……………………………………………… low with sickness.
Questions with their answer:
(i) How will you be free from all physical aches and pains ?
Ans. Giving up anger, jealousy, greed and all the inharmonious things will make us free from all physical aches and pains.
(ii) What is the elixir of goodwill ? Ans. Happy, joyful and loving thoughts are the elixis of goodwill.
(iii) How will you put away your physical ailments ?
Ans. We can put away our physical ailments by keeping away our evil thoughts and intentions.
(iv) When will you not complain against your sickness ?
Ans. We should not complain against our sickness if we continue to stick to such thoughts which corrupt and weaken us.
3 — Many people complain …………………………. quickly forfits.
Questions with their answer:
(i) What do many people complain ?
Ans. Many people complain that they have broken down or feeling low through overwork.
(ii) What is the cause of breakdown in some people according to the author ?
Ans. According to the author, breakdown is the result of the wasted energy.
(iii) What are the two kinds of work mentioned in the passage ?
Ans. Physical work and mental work are the kinds of work mentioned in the passage.
(iv) What is that ‘boon’to which the author has referred in the last part of the passage ?
Ans. The ‘boon’ to which the author has referred is the boon of retaining health.
(v) Why does the author advise us not to go into the details of the work we have in hand ?
Ans. It is because it makes us anxious, excited or worried and this way we waste our energy and invite breakdown.
4 — True health and true ………… …………… believing of faith.
Questions with their answers:
(i) What do go together ?
Ans. True success and true health go together.
(ii) What can we achieve through faith ?
Ans. We can achieve accomplishment in every work through faith.
(iii) What is the highest prompting ? Why is it called so ?
Ans. The highest prompting within us is to be always true to the divine self and have beleif in yourself. It
is called so because it helps to rise, assist and inspire in ones life.
(iv) How should we follow the purpose of life ?
Ans. We should follow the purpose of life with a fearless and restful heart..
(v) What go together with true success and why ?
Ans. The true health go together with true success because they are inseparably tied together in the
domain of thought.
(vi) How is every enduring work accomplished ?
Ans. Every enduring work is accomplished by the power of faith.
5 — Let your heart grow………. ………….insignificant.
Question with their answers:
(i) How should you nourish you heart ?
Ans. We should nourish our heart by growing it large, loving and unselfish.
(ii) How can you influence people and succeed in life ?
Ans. If we are large hearted, loving and coving then thin way we can influence people and succeed in life.
(iii) What do you understand by the narrow limits of self interests ?
Ans. Narrow limite of self interests means very little self interests.
(iv) When do you influence and success become insignificant ?
Ans. When we are confined to narrow thoughts and self interests, our influence and success become
utterly insignificant.
6 — Whatever your ……………… ………….. physical excesses.
Questions with their answer:
(i) What does the author suggest one to do in respect of the task in one’s hand ? Ans. The author suggests to concentrate whole mind upon it and put all the energy of capability in it.
(ii) What should one do to go on succeeding in life ? Ans. To go on succeeding in life, one should do his task or work with the full concentration and capability.
(iii) What is the way to larger talk ? Ans. The fealtless completion of small tasks in the way to larger task.
(iv) How do unwise people waste their time and energy ? Ans. The unwise people waste their time and energy in foolish talks and in physical excesses.
7 — If you ……… ……………. and unmoved.
Questions with their answer:
(i) How can you acquire overcoming power ?
Ans. We can acquire overcoming power by cultivating poise and passivity.
(ii) Where does all power lie ?
Ans. All power lies with immovability.
(iii) Who cannot live without support ?
Ans. These who are weak, movable and uttterly useless, cannot live without support.
(iv) Who is the man of power.
Ans. The one who remaining calm, composed and unmoved when all his fellows are swayed away is the man of power.
8 — Self-purified …… …………… of power.
Questions with their answers:
(i) When will you prosper ?
Ans. When we will self enslaved to do our tasks in life then we will prosper.
(ii) What is the secret of success according to author ?
Ans. Apure heart and a well ordered mind is the secret of success according to author.
(iii) What should you do to achieve power ?
Ans. A determined faith, a wisely directed purpose and an unwaring will should be achieved first to achieve power.
UP Board Class 12 English Prose Chapter 2 A Fellow Traveller – A.G. Gardiner
Short Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in not more than 30 words each:
1 — What is the secret of health, success and power in life ?
Ans. The secret of health and success in a pure heart, a well planned mind, an unflinching faith and a wisely directed aim of life. The secret of power is to keep under control with will power the evil of desire.
2 — What should we realize and acknowledge sooner and why ?
Ans. We should realize and acknowledge sooner that sickness is the result of our own error or sin because it will make us strong, pure and positive.
3 — What does the author say about health, success and faith ?
Ans. The author said that if there is strong and genuine confidence and uncompromising purity then there is health and success. True and genuine faith can lead anyone to the path of healthy and successful life.
4 — What does the author want us to follow, to be true and to rely upon ? Why ?
Ans. The author wants us to follow the highest promptings within us, to be always true to the divine self and to rely upon the inward light and voice. This is because every endwing work can be accomplished with these virtues.
5 — What shall we achieve if we are centered in such a faith ?
Ans. If we are centered in such a faith then we shall achieve success and power in life. Every work is accomplished with the power of faith.
6 — What does the author advise the reader and why ?
Ans. The author advises the reader to acquire true health, true success and power of faith. This is because it is the talisman of happiness, success, peace and power and of all those that makes life great and superior to suffering.
7 — How does the author prove that all power is associated with immovability ?
Ans. The author says that all power is associated with immovability. The mountain, the massive rock and the storm tried oak indicate solitery grandous, higher success, rank, pride and defiant fixity. Those who are immovable have power because they are not swayed by some emotion or passion, they remain calm and unmoved. 8 — What things speak of weakness ? Ans. The shifting sand the yielding twig and the waving seed speak of weakness because they are movable and non resistant.
9 — What does the author say about passion ?
Ans. The author says about passion that it is the abuse and dispersion of power. Passion is like a furious storm which beats fiercely and wildly upon the strong rock. 10 — How will the purpose of life he revealed to us ? Ans. Single aim in life, being focus and power of wisdom and a legitimate and useful purpose help to reveal the purpose of life.
11 — Who fall sick ? From whom sickness flees ?
Ans. Those who attract and whose minds and bodies are receptive to disease fall sick. It flees from those whose strong, pure and positive thought sphere generates healing and life giving currents.
12 — Who should not expect perfect physical healthy ?
Ans. Those who persist in clinging to debilitating and demaralizing habits like jealousies, suspicions, worries, hatred and self indulgences should not expect perfect health.
13 — What do many people complain about ? What does the author say to this ?
Ans. Many people complain that they have broken down through overwork. The author says that the down through overwork. The author says that the breakdown is the result of foolishly wasted energy.
14 — When is work beneficial and health-giving ?
Ans. Work is beneficial and health giving when work is done with the steady and call persistency. It should be done with anxiety and worry free state of mind then it accomplishes and retains health too.
15 — How does the author explain faith ?
Ans. According to the author faith is the rock which we must build if we want to achieve something in our life and want to stand not to fall.
16 — Why should we build upon rock of faith ?
Ans. We should build upon rock of faith to acquire happiness, success, peace, power and everything that makes life great.
UP Board Class 12 English Prose Chapter 2 A Fellow Traveller – A.G. Gardiner
17 — What advice does the author give us when we are sorrow or in joy ?
Ans. The author advises us to retain our faith and keep firmly our feet upon its immortal and immovable base whether we are sad or in joy.
18 — How do the trends of your thought determine the quality of your life ?
Ans. Our action, thinking and faith are the things which help us to make our life better. Our success, failure, influreces and whole life we carry are because of the deminant trends of thought that are determining factors in our destiny.
19 — What should we do to acquire overcoming power ?
Ans. We must cultivate poise and passivity to acquire overcoming power.
20 — Who is fit to command and control ?
Ans. One who has succeeded in commanding and controlling himself is fit to command and control.
21 — Who needs to be supported and why ?
Ans. Those who are hysterecal, fearful, thought and frivolous need to be supported because they will fall for lack of support.
22 — Who needs to seek the solitude of the forest, the desert and the mountain-top ?
Ans. Those who are calm, fearless, thoughtful and grave need to seek the solitude of the forest, the desert and the mountain top.
23 — How can we acquire power ?
Ans. If we do not have power, we can acquire power by practice.
24 — What shall we have in life ?
Ans. We shall have aim a legitimate and useful purpose and thorough understanding of our work.
Long Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words each:
1 — What is the secret of true success in life ?
Ans. The secret of true success in life in an unflinehing faith and a wisely directed aim of life. Strong faith in one’s abilities and strength is very necessary for success in life. Where there is strong and genuine confidence, adherence to goodness and virtue under all circumstances, there exists true success. A man who works steadily and firmly without losing the calm of mind accompishes his work satisfactorily and moves toward success. True health and true success go together as they are inseperably interwinved in the thought realm. We should always follow the highest prompting within us and should be always true to ourselves and to god. Self belief is very important for the success in life.
2 — What is the secret of true health in life ?
Ans. A pure heart and a well-ordered mind is the secret of true health in life. For a good healthy life, a man should keep his mind oblivious to focus on his work. Work, whether of brain or body, is beneficial and health giving. Working calmly and persistently helps to retain health which is a boon. Factors which affect health negatively are hatred, impure and unhappy thoughts, arrogance and the narrow limits of self interests. If these virtue exist within a person then he or she should not expect true health in life. To own a true health, we should cultivate the pure and unsefish spirit combining it with purity and faith.
3 — What does James Allen say about physical health ? Analyse his views on the subject.
Ans. James Allen says that it we are given to anger, worry, jealousy, greed or any other inharmonious state of mind and expect perfect physical health then you are expecting the impossible. It is because the way we are sowing the seeds of disease in our mind. Such conditions of mind are carefully shunned by the wise man, for he knows them to be far more dangerous than a bad drainage system or an infected house. Joyful, loving and good thoughts are must to enjoy perfect physical health. If we will let the elixir of goodwill course enter thought our veins then we’ll need no other medicine. Put away jealouries, suspicious, wories, hatred, self indulgencies and it will put away apepsia, gastric distress, nervousness and aching joints.
Multiple Choice Questions Choose the most suitable option:
1 — If you will persist in clinging to these debilitating and demoralizing habits of mind, then do not complain when your body is laid low with sickness.
(a) on (b) upon (c) in (d) with
2– Many people complain that they have broken through overwork.
(a) suggest (b) complain (c) write (d) refuse
3 — To become anxious or excited, or to worry over needless details is to invite a breakdown.
(a) disease (b) disaster (c) sickness (d) breakdown
4 — True health and true success go together for they are inseparably intertwined in the thought realm.
(a) intermixed (b) intertwined (c) impressed (d) engrossed
5 — The faultless completion of small tasks leads invitably to larger tasks.
(a) leaps (b) looks (c) leads (d) lights
6 — Above all be of single aim, have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote yourself unreservedly to it.
(a) casual (b) single (c) multiple (d) double
UP Board Class 12 English Prose Chapter 2 A Fellow Traveller – A.G. Gardiner
7 — There are some matters in which the memory works with less than its usual perfection.
(a) for (b) in (c) in regard to (d) about
8 — Such conditions of mind are carefully shunned by the wise man.
(a) shunned (b) screened (c) hurled (d) swayed
9 — He only is fitted to command who has succeeded in controlling himself.
(a) command (b) demand (c) reprimand (d) remand
10 — You are advised to abjure bad habits.
(a) to get rid of (b) to continue (c) to abjure (d) to stick to
11 — Passion is like a furious storm.
(a) furious (b) anxious (c) dauntless (d) dark
12 — You will not need to become anxious about the result.
(a) cautious (b) conscious (c) anxious (d) contentious
13 — Many people complain that they are broken down through over work.
(a) complain (b) claim (c) frame (d) name
Language skills
1 — Read the following words and make your own sentences with the help of there words:
sterling faith; lodgement; Inharmonious; Elixir; Indulgences; Biliousners; Crumbles away; Transcend; Possessed of; frivolity; frivolous; engulf mankind.
UP Board Class 12 English Prose Chapter 2 A Fellow Traveller – A.G. Gardiner
(i) sterling faith—Raman’s sterling faith will lead him towards success.
(ii) lodgement- If you are confident and hand working then failure should not find
lodgement in your mind.
(iii) Inharmonious– One should not expect a good health with an inharmonious state of mind.
(iv) Elixir– Elixir of goodwill will keep you away from demoralizing habits of mind.
(v) Indulgences— Selfish indulgences mostly lead a person to self destruction.
(vi) Biliousners– Ritu’s grandfather is fed up with the problem of biliousners.
(vii) Crumbles away — Bad time crumbles away when you face it downtlessly.
(viii) Transcend—The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.
(ix) Possessed of—He is a man who is possessed of great talent.
(x) frivolity–The foolish waste all their energy in frivolity.
(xi) frivolous-I think he sees her as a frivolous young women.
(xi) engulf mankind – The earth will engulf mankind if human will not stop ruining it.
UP Board Class 12 English Prose Chapter 2 A Fellow Traveller – A.G. Gardiner
2 — Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:
breakdown, intertwine, sterling faith, passion, eternal
(i) I am your close friend. You should do sterling faith in me.
(ii) Without regular maintenance my car might breakdown.
(iii) Our lives became increasingly intertwine as we drew closer to each other.
(iv) Some people believe in eternal life after death.
(v) He has a passion for dancing, singing and even fishing.
3 — Write the synonyms of the following words:
lodgement, elixir, accomplish, oblivious, crumble, shatter, reckoning, frivolity, engulf
(i) lodgement ……………. fixture
(ii) elixir…………….potion
(iii) accomplish …………….achieve
(iv) oblivious ……………. unaware
(v) crumble ……………. disintegrate
(vi) shatter ……………. split
(vii) reckoning …………….calculating
(viii) frivolity ……………. – levity
(ix) engulf …………….inundate
4 — Match the following words with their antonyms:
Words …………….Antonyms
forfeit…………….- retain
acknowledge …………….reject
5 — These are some homophones. Make your own sentences so as to bring out their meaning clearly:
Fraction, friction; vein, vain; flee, flea; heal, heel; break, brake; accomplish, accomplice.
(i) fraction, friction
(i) fraction—Only a fraction of the work was completed on time.
friction– Friction between two metal plate can be reduced by using oil.
(ii) vein, vain
(ii) vein—Teacher told about veins through which blood flows towards ourheart.
vain====Aneighbour tried in vain to starch the bleeding with a towel.
(iii) flee, flea
(iii) flee—-He was forced to flee the country. flea
The diseare spread from rats to humans by flea bites.
(iv) heal, heel
(iv) heal—-They tried to heal the rift between them but were unsuccessful.
heel—-She beats him with the heel of her boot.
(v) break, brake
(v) break—-They break a plate in the kitchen daily.
brake——–I had to brake suddenly when a cat ran in front of the car.
(vi) accomplish, accomplice
accomplish—-Any hardworking and confident person can accomplish his goals.
accomplice–Police have not arrested him as an accomplice of main suspect.
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