Essay on Independence Day Or Celebration Of 15 August
Hints: 1. Introduction, 2. Preparations for the day, 3. Programme in the town, 4. Programme in the School, 5. Conclusion.
1- Introduction-
Our Independence day falls on the 15th August in every year. Our country got freedom on this day.
2- Preparations for the day-
We celebrate this day with great zeal every year. This year, we made great preparations in our school. Everyone of us was eager to take part in the Independence Day Celebrations. The Vice-Principal drew up a programme. It was announced by the Principal on the 13th of August.
3 . Programme in the town-
Early in the morning of the 15th of August, we gathered in the Ramleela ground behind the bus stand near the water tank. Our teachers also joined us in a few minutes. We were divided into four parties. Each party was singing national songs and shouting ‘Mahatma Gandhi Ki Jai’ ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’. Our younger companions were full of more enthusiasm. They were shouting the slogans at top of their voice. Thus, singing and shouting national slogans, we reached school at 7.30 a.m.
4- Programme in the School-
In the school, we stood round the flag pole. The teachers asked us to stand classwise. In our Khaki uniform, we looked like soldiers ready to give our lives for the sake of Mother India. The teacher stood behind us. On our Principal’s request, the founder of the school, who is a sacred saint, came forward. He performed the flag hoisting ceremony. He was in his happy mood. Exactly at 8 o’clock, the flag was hoisted. We stood in attention to salute the flag.
After the flag ceremony Jan Gan Man’ was sung. The scout band played the tune. The flag ceremony came to a close with a few speeches. The teachers and the founder delivered these speeches. All the speakers threw light on the importance of the day. Two teachers told us our duties towards the country.
5- Conclusion-
The Principal asked us to assemble round the field to take part in the sports. The sports were held with great zeal. Those who stood first and second in the sports, got prizes by the holy hands of the founder.
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