UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Prose Chapter 5 The Variety and Unity of India free pdf All Questions ans answers

UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Prose Chapter 5 The Variety and Unity of India free pdf All Questions ans answers

UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Prose Chapter 5 The Variety and Unity of India free pdf All Questions ans answers
UP Board Solutions for Class 11 English Prose Chapter 5 The Variety and Unity of India free pdf All Questions ans answers

Explanation Type Questions :–

Explain with reference to the context the following:

1- The diversity of India …………………………….. of the Himalayas.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. In the present lines Pt. Nehru says the variety of India can be seen easily everywhere. The people of India are different in many ways. They are different as caste, creed, clothes etc, but is such type of diversity there is unity also.

Explanation: The author says that diversity among the people of India is clear. It can easily be seen in every sphere. They are different in internal and external matters. Their habits are also different. Different races are recognised from different faces. For example there are no common distinguishing features between Pathan of the North West India and Tamil living in the far South. Both are different in their tastes, there clothes, customs and living of standard. Their line of ancestry of their tribe are not the same though there can be many common important qualities between them. They differ in face, figure, food, clothing and language. In the North-West frontier Province there is influence of Central Asia and many custom as in Kashmir reminds of the countries on the other side of Himalayas.

2-The frontier area …………………………………. developed.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. In these lines Nehruji is describing the frontier area and how it was famous for studies.

Explanation: The author says that the frontier area was the main centre of old Indian culture and it was full with the scenes of monuments and monasteries and specially of the great university of Taxila which was very popular two thousand years ago for attracting students from all over India as well as from different parts of Asia. Change of religion had made little changes but it could not change the thinking of those people which they had developed earlier.

3- The Pathan and the Tamil …………………………… qualities.

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Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. The author is talking about the Pathans and Tamils.

Explanation: The author says that the Pathans and Tamils are the two examples of tribes which live on extreme ends from each other, while the other tribes live in between them. All these tribes have distinguishing qualities of India. It is interesting to see how the Bangals, the Marathas, the Gujaratis, the Tamils, the Andhras, the Oriyas, the Assamese, the Canarese, the Malayalis, the Sindhis, the Punjabis, the Pathans, the Kashmiris, the Rajputs and the central block consisting of Hindustani speaking people, have kept safe their specific characteristics for hundreds of years and have the same virtues and failings which old tradition or records tell us and yet they have been keeping the national heritage and the moral and mental qualities safe.

4- There was something …………….. even encouraged.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Pt. Nehru speaks of the unity in diversity of India. Different people living in the different parts of India had the same heritage of Indian culture.

Explanation: The author says that the culture of India was living and progressive also. It was not static but it was dynamic. It expressed itself in the progressive way of life. People of India had philosophic attitude of life and its problems. Like the ancient Chinese culture ancient Indian culture was completed in itself in every sphere. It showed in all things. Indian culture has deep influence on the people. When other races came into India, they had a great influence on Indian culture. But soon these influences were absorbed by the Indian culture. Disruptive tendencies or problems causing to break in parts gave rise to an attempt to find a unity. A particular type of dream of unity has been started in the mind of Indians since the beginning of the civilization. Unity was not developed from outside or by beleiving in external beliefs. Unity was something which was created internally, deeper within the tolerance of belief and the custom was practised and every religion and tribe was accepted and encouraged.

5- Differences ………………….. more importance.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. In these lines Pt. Nehru tells us of the essential unity of India in spite of differences on various levels.
Explanation: The author says that although there is a well-knit national unity in India but there may be big or small differences in its people also. These differences are bound to be there. In spite of these differences, there exists an essential unity also in that national group. These are the essential units of the group. It is possible that the difference between two neighbouring national groups may not be very deep. They may also mix with one another. This is so because modern progress in the world is producing sameness everywhere. In ancient and medieval times, the idea of modern nation did not existed and old fashioned religious, racial and cultural bonds were given more importance.

6- Today, …………. ………….. dominant religion.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. The author says that in the medieval times people did not know the meaning of nationalism. But they were united by feudal, racial or cultural ties.

Explanation: The author expresses the view that in the modern period the concept of nationalism has developed too much more than the medieval time. Today Indians living in different countries of the world are looked upon as one national group. There may be internal differences between Indian about religion, but they are called Indians. An Indian Christian is regarded an Indian in any part of the whole world. An Indian muslim is regarded an Indian even in Muslim countries like Turkey, Arabia and Iran or any other Muslim country.

7- All of us, ………………………………….. through it.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. The author says that everyone have different pictures of our native land but when he thinks of India he thinks of many things.

Explanation: The author says that everyone have different pictures of his/her native land and two persons can never think the same about it. But when he thinks of India, he think of many things like broad fields having many small villages, towns and cities which he had visited, the magic of rainy season which gives life to the dried earth/land and provides greenery everywhere, of great rivers and flowing water, of the Khyber Pass in all its barren surroundings, of southern tip of India, of people and their mass or tribal qualities and above all these he thinks of snow capped peaks of Himalayas and the mountain valley in Kashmir covered with new flowers in spring season with a small stream of bubbling and gurgling, flowing through it.

8- We make ………………………………….. heart of Asia.

Reference to the context: These lines have been taken from the lesson ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ written by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. The author says that why he had chosen India over any other sub-tropical country.

Explanation: The author is saying that we make and maintain safely the pictures of our choice, so he had chosen this mountain background country over the normal hot, sub-tropical country. Both the pictures are correct for India because it extends from the tropics i.e. hot area to the temperate regions and from the equator to the cold heart i.e. central part of Asia.

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Read the following passage and answer the questions given below them:

1- The Diversity of …………………… course, language.

Questions with their answers:
(i) What is very pronounced in India?
Ans: The diversity of India is very pronounced.

(ii) What things make the diversity of India obvious?
Ans: India is a country of diversity where people speak different languages and follow different religions. Different physical appearances, habits and mental tendencies of people make the diversity of India.

(iii) What will you look at to explain the diversity of India?
Ans: The diversity can be easily seen in the physical appearance as well as the mental habits of the Indian people.

(iv) In what respect do the Pathan and the Tamil differ?
Ans: The Pathan and the Tamil differ in face and figure, food and clothing and also in language.

(v) What does a Pathan have in common with a Tamil?
Ans: A common thread of some nationality had tied them together.

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2- In the North-West ……………… ……………. had developed.

Questions with their answers:

(i) Why was Taxila famous?
Ans: Taxila was famous for its university.
(ii) Indicate religious groups which lived in Afghanistan before the advent of Islam?
Ans: The old Turkish and other races inhabited Afghanistan before the Advent of Islam.

(ii) Why even with all difference Pathan people show the impress of India on them?
Ans: Pathan people show the impress of India on them because for thousand of years they share the same boundaries with India.

(iv) What do you understand from the expression “the period of the Epics”?
Ans: The meaning of ‘the period of the Epics’ is when the Ramayana of Valmiki and the Mahabharat were written.

3- In ancient ………………………………………. a change of faith.

Questions with their answers:
(i) When was the idea of the modern nation non-existent?
Ans: In ancient and medieval period the idea of modern nation was non-existent.

(ii) What bond bound the people together in ancient and medieval India?
Ans: The cultural bonds of feudal, racial and religious had tied the people together.

(iii) How would an Indian feel in any other country?
Ans: In any other country of the world an Indian felt as a foreigner or stranger.

(iv) How did the people of non-Indian origin become distinctively Indian?
Ans: Those who belonged to foreign religions but settled in India permanently became Indians in the course of time.

4- Today ……………………. dominant religion.

Questions with their answers:
(i) How can you say that the concept of nationalism has developed today?
Ans: The concept of nationalism has developed today because Indians in foreign countries inevitably form a national group in spite of their internal differences.

(ii) Does an Indian Christian become an Englishman in England?
Ans: An Indian Christian does not become an Englishman in England but remains an Indian.

(iii) Where is Islam the dominant religion?
Ans: Islam is the dominant religion in Turkey, Arabia and Iran.

(iv) Which good qualities should you inculcate in your character to be proud of being an Indian?
Ans: We should cultivate the idea of nationalism to be proud of being an Indian.


Short Answer Type Questions

Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words:

1- What do you understand by ‘the variety and unity of India’?
Ans: The meaning of ‘The Variety and Unity of India’ is a land where people of different religions and languages live but their view towards life and its problem is the same.

2- What things does Jawaharlal Nehru mention as examples of India’s tremendous unity?
Ans: The things which Nehruji mentioned as examples of India’s tremendous unity by the Pathans of North West Frontier area and the Tamils of the far South.

3- What things make the diversity of India obvious, according to Pt. Nehru?
Ans: There are so many diversities in India. People speak different types of languages. They follow different religions. Physical look, their habits and mental tendencies of the Indian people make the diversity of India clear.

4- What was Taxila famous for in ancient India according to Jawaharlal Nehru?
Ans: Taxila was a famous city in the frontier border land in ancient India. The famous University of Taxila was situated in this region. It was a famous centre of education in the ancient times.

5- What is Nehru’s view of India? What features of the country appealed to him most?
Ans: Nehru’s personal views were very strong about united and progressive India. The snow-capped Himalayas and the beautiful valley of Kashmir appeals him the most.

6- How do we know that the North-West Frontier area was one of the strongholds of Indian culture?

Ans: Ruins of monuments, monasteries and the great University of Taxila are now before us. They tell us clearly that the North-West Frontier area was one of the are a with stronghold of Indian culture.

7- What is the speciality of Indian culture?
Ans: The power of tolerance is the main speciality of the Indian culture. Foreign influences poured in and influenced the Indian culture but they were absorbed. Different customs were practised. Every variety was acknowledged and encouraged.


Long Answer Type Questions-

Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words each:

1- What according to Nehru, proves the tremendous unity of India behind its apparent diversity?

Ans: Variety: Pt. Nehru first shows the variety of India. It can be easily seen and understood. It is quite apparent. It lies on the surface and anybody can see it. Indians differ from one another in physical appearance and in mental habits and traits. Their racial stocks are not the same. They differ in face, figure, food, clothing and language. Then the religion of some people was changed. This increased the diversity in some ways.

Unity: Then he goes to show that there has always been tremendous unity behind this apparent diversity. Even people following different faiths are one in many ways because change of religion could not entirely change the mental backgrounds which the people of those areas had developed. All have the impress of India. Even the followers of different religions who came to India from other countries became Indian after some time. Now they are looked upon as Indians in other countries. And they feel more at home in India. This shows that India has both variety and unity.

2- What things make the diversity of Indian obvious? WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN

Ans: According to Jawaharlal Nehru, the diversity of India is great. It is obvious in itself. It lies on its surface and anybody can see it. It lies in physical appearance as well as in certain mental habits and traits. For example we see little in common between the Pathan of the North-West and the Tamil in the far South. They belong to different races. They differ in face and figure. They differ in food and clothing. Their languages too are different.

The North-West frontier province and Kashmir have many customs which are almost similar to those countries which lie beyond the Himalayas. Pathan folk dances are clearly like Russian Cossack dances. The Pathan and the Tamil are the two extreme examples of Indian diversity. Other people also show distinction from one another. The Bengalis, the Marathas, the Gujaratis, the Andhras, the Oriyas, the Assamese, the Canarese, the Malyalis, the Sindhis, the Punjabis, the Kashmiris, the Rajputs and the great central block comprising the Hindustani speaking people, have retained their peculiar characteristics for hundreds of years. They have still more or less the same virtues and failings.

3- What is the essential unity in diversity of Indian culture?

Ans: Introduction: Ancient India, like ancient China, was a world in itself. It was the culture and civilization which gave shape to all the existing things.

Ancient culture: It has been holding all Indians together throughout these ages. They have the same national heritage. They have the same set of moral and mental qualities.

Our heritage: There are some factors which are quite living and dynamic about this heritage. It appears itself in our ways of living . It also reveals itself in our philosophical attitude towards life and the problems of life.

Tolerance and adaptability of our culture: The Indian culture has survived on account of its power of tolerance and adaptability. Though the foreign influences paused it from time to time, the Indian culture retained its basic character. It had the power to assimilate different cultures and Indianize them.

Unity in diversity of Indian culture: Indian culture has spectacular power of synthesis. In the past it has received, adopted and digested elements of many different cultures.
Conclusion: Thus we can say that there is essential unity in diversity of Indian culture.


4- What qualities, according to Pandit Nehru, make the Indian culture living and dynamic?

Ans: Jawaharlal Nehru says that Indian culture is lively and also dynamic. It is not static. Its dynamic nature is shown in the way of life. There is philosophical attitude towards life and its problems. It influences all things in life. There are certain qualities in it which make the Indian culture dynamic. Indian culture has absorbed all foreign influences. Because of this, it has got a totally new direction. New foreign influences could not destroy it. Indian culture has combined them with its own things. In this way it has made a synthesis of the two. From the beginning of history, there was a dream of unity. This unity is not only external but internal also. Indian culture has the quality of tolerance. It does not discard other religions, beliefs and customs but takes them in and makes them its own. Thus we are made to realize that the variety on the surface only emphasizes the underlying strains of unity which bind the various communities of India together. And this is the secret of India’s greatness. .

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Multiple Choice Questions WWW.UPBOARDINFO.IN
Choose the most suitable option:

1- Ancient India, like ancient China, was a world in itself, a culture and a civilization which gave ………. to all things.
(a) sense (b) sensitivity (c) sign (d) shape
Ans–(d) shape

2- That…….. was not conceived as something imposed from outside, a standardization of externals or even of beliefs.
(a) unity (b) single (c) benefit (d) unanimously
Ans–(a) unity

3- The …………… of India is tremendous; it is obvious; it lies on the surface and anybody cans.
(a) unity (b)relation (c) diversity (d) position
Ans–(c) diversity

4- Indians in foreign countries ………………… form a national group.
(a) evidently (b)ably (c) accidently (d) inevitably
Ans–(d) inevitably

5- Pathan popular dances are singularly like Russian Cossack ……
(a) singing (b) wrestling (c) dancing (d) praying
Ans–(c) dancing

6- Differences, big or small, can always be noticed even within a ……….. group, however closely bound together it may be.
(a) national (b) international (c) religious (d)social
Ans–(a) national

7- An Indian Christian is looked upon as ………… wherever he may go.
(a) a foreigner (b) a Christian (c) an Indian (d) an American
Ans–(c) an Indian

8- All ofus, I suppose, have …………. pictures of our native land and no two persons will think exactly alike.
(a) developing (b) slipping (c) fading (d) varying
Ans–(d) varying

9- The Pathans and the Tamils are two extreme examples; the other lie ……… in between.
(a)no where (b) anywhere (c) somewhere (d) out there
Ans–(c) somewhere

10- Disruptive tendencies gave rise immediately to an attempt to find a ………….
(a) synthesis (b) unity (c) analysis (d) uniformity
Ans– (a) synthesis

11- Some kind of a dream of unity has occupied the mind of India since the ……… of civilization.
(a) dawn (b)beginning (c) daybreak (d) birth
Ans– (a) dawn

12- The diversity of India is …….
(a) dynamic (b) tremendous (c)national (d) distinctive
Ans– (b) tremendous


Language Skills Type questions:-

1- Write the synonyms of the following words:


2- Write the antonyms of the following words:

glistening—————dull/ lusterless

Up board solutions for class 11 English prose chapter 3 the ant and the grasshopper all question and answer free

3- Select one word form those given below for each of the following meanings:
expanse; diversity; heritage; conception; alien; impress; strand; advent; dominant

(i) that which is received from the earlier generation.—————heritage

(ii) stranger or foreigner—————alien

(iii) wide and open area.—————expanse
(iv) clearly noticeable influences.—————impress
(v) thread in a piece of cloth.—————strand

4- Read the following words or phrases and use them in your own sentences:
as well as—–Trees gives us food as well as life.

fascinating—–He painted a very fascinating picture of his motherland India.

dynamic—–Dynamic teachers are capable of being flexible with their lesson plans.

look upon—–Shyam look upon Ram as a close friend.

give rise to—–Her decisions gave rise to dispute between them.

disruptive tendency —–Their disruptive tendency always disturbs the whole class.

in spite of—–He enjoys his job in spite of low salary.

even though—–She listen to him even though no one else does.

hang together—–They both are best friend and they hang together in every field.

parched-up—–As Suman was sick, she became weak and her lips were parched-up.

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