Essay on mobile phone
Hints. 1. Introduction 2. Uses 3. Abuses 4. Role of Mobile Phones 5. Conclusion.
The first mobile phone was invented by the American scientist, Martin Cooper, in 1973. Martin Cooper was an executive and researcher at Motorola who are today a major mobile phone producing company. The design of the first mobile phone was very different to the way the mobile phones of today look and operate. Mobile phones were introduced into society in the mid 1980’s in part of Northern Europe. Countries such as Finland and Switzerland, Japan and the USA launched the first cellular networks which meant that any mobile phone connected to that network could communicate with each other.
Mobiles are no more a luxury or a life style product. Mobile phones, which were one of the beautiful possessions of anybody not until a decade ago, have now become a necessity to the common man. The entry of private service providers with CDMA, GSM and of course, 3G technologies has changed the Communication sector in India beyond imagination.
2- Uses: Essay on mobile phone
The immense benefit offered by a mobile has triggered this revolution. With a mobile phone in hand, one can be available round the clock, and can get the up-to-date information on anything. The availability of internet on mobile phones has increased its utility tremendously. It has made mobile phones, to an extent, an essential item for carrying out a business transaction. The facility of sending short messages or pictures enables a person to send the message across without actually bothering to disturb the other person.
For traders, it helps them get the price details of any products without even bringing the products to the market. The introduction of mobile banking helps people carry their bank in their mobile. Some people even carry their office in their mobile phones.
However, mobile phones also have some demerits as they can be used to detonate bombs. Some instruments which have cameras in them can be used for taking unnecessary photographs.
Constant use of mobile phones may create health problems and increase risk of accidents on road. In spite of these demerits, mobile phones are becoming popular day-by-day as their advantages fairly outweigh the demerits.
4- Role of Mobile Phones:
In fact, the mobile revolution has occurred very fast in India. This symbolizes the country’s transformation from an inward looking tentative nature to a confident and resurgent global economic power. The mobile phone service providers have also increased manifold during the years. Some of the important market players are: Aircel, Airtel, BSNL, Idea Cellular, Tata Indicom, Tata DoCoMo, Reliance Communication, Virgin Mobile. Vodafone, Videocon Tele- communications, MTS India and Spice Telecom.
Even in rural India, mobile phone has brought a tremendous change to rural telephony, marginalizing the middlemen and empowering women, strengthened by the formation of self-help groups. It has vastly improved access to information and helped in the explosive growth in connectivity. Even at sea, fishermen in Kerala use the mobiles to keep track of rates for their catch in the market. The improvement in infrastructure and support from the Government has acted as a catalyst for mobiles to make tremendous inroads into rural India.
The role of mobile telephones are varied, in that, they help assess the market information, coordinate travel and transport, manage remote activities and increase the remunerative working days. As a result, the rural marketing scenario has also undergone a change. Today, the rural consumer is better informed and price conscious.
5- Conclusion:
Gone are the days when people use to queue up before a Public Call Office (PCO) and wait their turn for an hour, only to end up without connectivity. Mobile phones have also removed the necessity to remember telephone numbers of other people. In-built phone books in the instruments enable a person to call the other person, without ever having to remember the other person’s number. Actually, mobile phones have become an all-in-one tool in the pocket, which has replaced even the old pocket diary. It is also slowly replacing purse, with the introduction of mobile transaction. No wonder, life without mobile phones have become unimaginable and unthinkable to many.
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